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"Is my head really built like a tampon?" Alex asked looking in her mirror while we were at her house.

"No." I laughed. "Who said that your head looks like a tampon?" I asked.

She sighed. "Some guy that I rejected because he wanted to hook up with me. Jesus why do men get so upset when you reject them? They are such crybabies." She finished as I laughed.

"They don't like to be rejected so when they do it strikes a nerve. It's pretty funny sometimes, I once hooked up with this a guy a few months ago. Sex was fucking terrible, couldn't even move it right." I sighed as she laughed at me.

"Speaking of sex, how's you and that Italian guy? I finally figured out who he was after a day. You should be careful." She went on "I've been living here quite a while, people talk, words go around."

"Things with me and him are going good actually, considering that we've known each other for a few weeks after one hook up on one night. And what do you mean I should be careful?" I asked picking up my coat.

"He's the bossy of a- where are you going?" She asked pouting a little.

"I have to go meet with a client somewhere at a cafe that I've never fucking heard of. It's a little far from here so I have to get there early."

"Dang it, I have to go meet Theo in a while anyway. Have you heard from Isabella lately?" She asked making me shake my head no.

"I can go by her place when I'm finished with my client." I told her.

"It's fine, me and Theo will go check on her, she's been so M.I.A  lately." She sighed

"Tell me if she's alright then, I'll see you later." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek walking out the door.

I haven't really heard from Luciano all day, I wonder what he's been up to. I know he's probably a busy man and I don't want to seem clingy.

Arriving at the Cafe I got out of my car stretching my legs from the extra long ride going inside already seeing my client there "Hi I'm Mia, sorry if I was late." I said shaking their hand sitting down.

"Oh you weren't late, I was just early." He assured. "Let's talk business now." He took out a bunch of papers and envelopes as I sighed to myself.

This is going to take hours and i'm sure of it.

I'm so going to need a long hot bath after this.

2 hours later

"Pleasure doing business with you Miss Summers." He gladly said while shaking my hand.

"Pleasure doing business with you as well Mr.Powers." I said as he smiled getting the papers off the table and walking out of the cafe.

I sighed rubbing my head feeling completely exhausted trying not to faint. I gathered my things walking out of the cafe when I saw a small kitten on my way out. It was 5pm when I first got here and now it's almost 8pm so it was sort of dark.

"Hey kitty, what are you doing out here?" I cooed reaching out to them when they ran away. Now a normal person would've just let the kitten run away but I have a kitten of my own so when I see other kittens just straying around it makes me feel bad.

"Wait." I whispered trying to follow them when they ran all the way behind the cafe which was dark making me turn my phone on for some light. "Kitty." I whispered looking for them.

"I don't like when people cross me Lucas." I heard a voice say deeply which sounded a little familiar as I stopped in my tracks. I stood behind the wall peaking a little seeing three big guys surrounding the guy that was on the ground.

The guy that was in the middle had a grip onto the guys collar that was on the ground when he sent a punch to his face making me flinch.

Why am I not moving.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Rucci! My family needed the money." The guy cried out as he got another hit to the face two more times.


"I don't give a shit. You steal from me you pay the fucking consequences." He seethed with the voice sounding more familiar. The guy took his gun out and shot the guy in the shoulder making me flinch again covering my mouth as tears started to form.

"Fuck! Mr.Rucci please!" The guy cried out once again earning a shot  to the chest as his body hit the ground making me gasp out loud covering my mouth quickly but it was too late.

They all turned around in my direction when I met eyes with Luciano. His eyes softened when he saw me as I slowly backed away turning around about to run away.

"Mia!" He called out when I felt him catch me grabbing my arm gently. These goddamn heals can't run fast enough.

"I-I didnt see anything, please let me go." I sniffed trying to get away from him. His eyes met mine again as I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. "Luciano please." I whispered

"Mia... don't look at me like that." He begged cupping my face into his hands as I cried even more. "Please don't look at me like that." He repeated bringing his face closer to mine.

"Just let me go please... I won't tell anyone." I went on "Don't hurt me." I said trying to tug my arm away from him.

His eyes was full of disappointment and anger as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I would never hurt you Mia. Just talk to me please. You know I would never fucking hurt you." He said.

"Do I? Do I really? Considering what the hell I just saw that was a completely different person Luciano! Who even are you?" I asked backing away from him as he slowly took his hands from my face.

"Mia- Who are you?" I repeated cutting him off with more tears forming my eyes.

"The boss of the Rucci Mafia." When he said that I confused yet already scared its like my feet were glued to the ground.

"The what?"

"Don't make me repeat it." He sighed.

"L-like when they traffic things, and kill people..." I trailed wrapping my arms around myself.

"Yeah, something like that. But not as you think Mia. I promise,  I don't want you to be afraid of me." He said about to reach for me again but I backed away from him in rejection as his eyes changed.

"I have to go." Was all I said turning around quickly walking away from him, hoping he didn't chase after me. I wiped my eyes stammering to open my car door and threw my purse in getting in quickly. "Oh my god." I breathed out wiping my eyes again.

I need more than a hot bath now.


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