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"Hurry and get it together, we have more coming in tomorrow." I told the girls referring to the drugs making them nod. I walked out getting into the truck seeing Mattheo look at me. "What is it now?"

"You, me, and maybe Stefano. Club night." He suggested.

"No." I sternly said.

"You need to get your mind off of that woman, she's been bringing you down and I'm here to bring you up." He said making me scoff with an eye roll.

"Don't call her 'that woman'. I'll go clubbing with you but that's it. Only because I want to clear my head" I sighed.

He smirked. "I knew you would give in."

"Shut the hell up." I seethed making him laugh.

Can't believe I just agreed to this.


Getting out of the car from my men opening the door for me as I stepped out with Mattheo behind me seeing lots of stares and mutters with girls gawking at me. I rolled my eyes mentally.

Stefano was busy tonight surprisingly.

Cant wait to get this night over with.

"Mr.Rucci. Surprised to see you here." The bouncer said with a smirk onto his face. He always likes to joke around.

"Fuck off Damon." I said going inside hearing him chuckle. The loud music instantly buzzed through my ears as Mattheo was already enjoying himself.

"See, isn't this wonderful." He said pushing me towards the V.I.P area. "Whiskey, make it neat." He told the bartender.

"What time are we leaving this place?" I sighed seeing a bunch of women coming over to us.

"Lighten up please, we have beautiful women dancing around us with amazing alcohol. So please enlighten me on some happiness Luciano." He said.

While the girl danced onto me she came closer to my ear. "What's a sexy man like you doing here all alone?" She whispered grinding onto me.

Surprisingly I wasn't growing an erection or anything.

I wasn't even thinking about hooking up with her or anything while she danced onto me. I didn't even feel an ounce of getting horny.

She just wasn't her.


Drinking my whiskey I looked to the side seeing everyone dance and rub their bodies up against each other. Looking a little bit closer I saw a girl with gorgeous blonde hair wearing a silk white dress that fit her perfectly. Fuck.

I realized it was Mia the second she turned around.

My blood started to boil when I saw her dancing on a guy. Fuck is she doing with him?

I grabbed the girl pushing her off of me fixing my shirt approaching Mia ignoring Mattheo calling out for me or the girl being upset. Stepping up to them I grabbed the guy harshly pushing him off of her.

"What the hell m-" He started to say but saw who I was. "S-sorry Mr.Rucci, I didn't know that she was with you." He stammered. What a fucking whimp.

"I'm not." Mia commented with an eye roll looking like she wasn't in the right state of mind at all.

"Shut your mouth Mia." I went on turning back to the guy. "Get the fuck out of here. If you see her again in any of your paths I want you to turn the other fucking way are we clear?"

"Y-yes." He stuttered walking away quickly.

"What the hell." She scoffed about to walk off but I grabbed her arm dragging her to the side. "What do you want Luciano." She slurred.

"I want to know who that guy was and why you were dancing on him." I said calmly.

"I can smell perfume on your shirt, and you come and question me?" She scoffed.

"I wasn't hooking up with anyone. Now who the fuck was that guy?" I asked again grabbing her chin making her face me.

"Fuck you." She glared moving my hand off of her face.

"Want to repeat that?" I questioned.

"I would if I had the energy." She shrugged.

"Who was that guy?"

"He was a stranger who wanted to dance," She went on with a shrug. "I'm a grown fucking women, I can fuck whoever I want, and dance with whoever I want." She finished about to take another drink but I took it from her hand making her roll her eyes. "I can drink whenever I want as well."

"You will not be fucking anyone except me as long as I'm alive darling." I glared "You're drunk Mia. Did you come here with anyone?" I asked.

She was about to fall but I caught her by grabbing her waist. "You know when you g-get someone important in your life... then they just leave you. Like not by choice but... you know. Why did god do that to me? Why did he take her away from me? The second I felt love he just snatched it... Why?" She asked slurring a bit with her eyes getting watery.

"What's going on Mia? Did you come here with anyone?" I asked again.

"Greta... she died yesterday. Had cancer, she was like a mother to me and he just t-took her from me like it was nothing." She sniffed.

My eyes softened as I wrapped my arms around her waist gently keeping her balance. "I'm sorry darling."
She sniffed looking down. "Did you come here with anyone?"

She nodded. "Just two friends, but I don't know where they are right now. They're probably looking for me."

I nodded called for Mattheo to come over as he sighed coming over quickly. "I was just about to get laid, what's the problem?" He asked.

"Find her friends for me, Alex and Theo. Tell them she's okay and with me." I ordered as he nodded.

"I'm going with you?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yes, I'm not leaving you here alone even if you are with friends." I said as she nodded weakly.

I picked her up bridal style walking out of the club seeing lots of women stare and men look away quickly making me roll my eyes mentally.

People are always so damn nosy.

Marco opened the car door as I set her down gently inside going on the other side getting in. "Lay your head down and get some rest." I told her as she nodded laying her head into my lap.

"I missed you." I heard her whisper making me smile a little.

God what is this feeling.


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