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Seven Months Later.


"I feel like I just took a watermelon and shoved it down my throat." Mia sighed while we were in the bathroom brushing our teeth after eating.

"I'm liking this site." I smirked making her glare at me. She was only in a bra and underwear. Even while pregnant she was fucking beautiful. It's been seven months. I've dealt with mood swings, crying, rough hard sex, breakdowns, and baby runs. I was enjoying going to get stuff for the baby, I'm still shocked that I'm going to be a father.

The house is almost done. They finished the basket and they were settling stuff in. We didn't want to know the gender until the baby was born. Mia was too excited to check and I wanted to be surprised.

"Fuck. My back hurts." She sighed fixing her posture. "Your mom dropped by with more stuff."

"I know, she's buying all this stuff and we don't even know the gender of the baby." I chuckled rinsing my mouth.

She shrugged. "Shes excited to be a grandmother." She rinsed her mouth out as well walking outside of the bathroom.

Well waddled out.

She lied onto the bed as I laid with her in between her legs on my stomach. I put my hand onto her stomach feeling a movement making me smile.

"Was that a kick?" I asked. You dumb ass. Of course it was a kick.

"They've been kicking a lot lately." She told me.

"Does it hurt? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," She laughed.

"Hope you're ready for today."I smirked.

"You still never told me what we were doing today."

"Just follow the guards. That's all you need to know." I teased. I was proposing to her today. I've been wanting to do this for months and I finally built
up the courage to.

Can you believe it? I was nervous. Out of all people
I'm nervous. But can you blame me? I'm proposing to the women I love. What if she says no, or something goes wrong.

I'm not backing out today. Everything's already set.

It was now five in the afternoon meaning that I had three hours until the proposal. It was hard hiding the huge ring considering she wears my clothes as pajamas so I couldn't hide it in my drawer. I hid it under the mattress because she can't lift it or anything.

I looked at her seeing her eyes slowly close making me laugh. "If you're tired you might want to take a nap now. Cant be late to the surprise."

She giggled rubbing her eyes. "Can you massage my feet?" She kicked her feet up and waved them. I laughed at her putting her foot in my hand. I rubbed the top of her foot using a firm motion with my thumb as she held her head back.

"Why are you so good with your hands." She whined making me chuckle. I started at the tip of her toe, then moved slowly down towards her ankle. I moved back towards her toe and rubbed with a lighter stroke.

"Oh my god." She breathed out arching her back from the bed a little. fuck. She knows exactly what her moans do to me. I moved my thumb to the bottom of her foot, and rubbed it. I went back to the tip of her toe and moved my thumbs firmly towards her heel.

"Ready?" I asked referring to the touching point.

"Yes." She responded. I bit my lip and held her foot with one hand and grasped it under the arch as she took in deep breaths. With my other hand I held the big toe with my thumb on top, and my index finger underneath.

"Amazing." She whispered with a little whimper. I felt myself growing in my underwear. I slightly turned and pulled the toe until I reached the end, and slid my thumb and index finger back to top of the toe.

"Okay, that feels good." She whimpered with her head back. I smirked holding the top of her foot in one hand, and with my fingers on my other hand when I rubbed the length of the arch and did it repeatedly.

She took in deep breaths looking at me and sighed dropping her head back onto the pillow. "How do you do that?" She breathed out.

"Guess it's a skill." I joked.

"You're making it a lot harder to even get out of this bed to do anything." She laughed.

"Just follow the guards baby." I smirked.

Night - surprise

With everything set all I had to do was wait for Mia. I was feeling so anxious and nervous right now. I'm actually about to propose. I never imagined myself getting married, I never even imagined myself having a kid or a family. I'm grateful to say that I love it.

There were amazing white lights onto bushes and trees since I decided to propose to her in a garden full of her favorite flowers. The rose petals 
would lead her here.  The second she looks up a plane will spell out the words and by the time she looks down I will already be on my knees with the ring out.

I really hope she likes it.

A few minutes passed by when I saw come through the bushes. She saw me then, started to look around as the biggest smile plastered her face.  She came by me slowly still looking around. "This was the surprise?" She asked smiling making me nod.

I grabbed her arm gently bringing her closer to me. "How long have you been planning this?" She teased.

"A while." I chuckled.

Bringing her up to face me I met her beautiful soft blue eyes. "When I first met you I didn't know that it would turn into this. That we would be making a family together, but I'm glad it did turn out the way it did. I love you, Mia Summers. I want to be the shoulder you cry on, I want to be the person you come to when you need someone to vent to. I want to wake up to your face every morning, I want to be your first everything. Look up." I told her.

She was confused at first but looked up in the sky as the plane was right on cue. It spelt out the words "Will you marry me Mia Summers? In big words with  gold fireworks. She instantly covered her mouth as I saw tears coming.

I took out the ring getting on one knee. The second she looked down she gasped even more. "Will you marry- Yes, fucking hell yes!" She yelled cutting me off making me laugh.

I stood up putting the ring on her finger. She was crying now as she stood on her tippy toes wrapping her arms around my neck.


I'm a married man.

To the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Can we have the wedding after I have this baby and lose the weight?" She whispered.

"Whatever you want baby." I assured kissing her lips.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too."


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