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"Do you remember what I told you?" Luciano asked nervously while we were in the car. We were down the street a little from the club just in case Leonardo or any of his men were watching and saw me get out of Lucianos car which would entirely mess everything.

"Yes Luciano, I remember everything." I sighed trying to assure him.

"Dress. Up." He sternly said as I lifted it up revealing the blade and gun strapped to my thigh. He nodded seeing it was there.

"When you see something, tell me," He went on as I nodded. "If he even looks at you in a weird way tell me in the ear piece. Once he shows up and everything's settled with the building the surrounded get out of there and I'll handle the rest." He explained for the 5th time.

"And my friends won't get hurt?" I asked again.


"What about Isabella? Will she get hurt?" I asked.

"Maybe. Only because I'm sure she lured you into the trap in the first place." He sighed.

"But you don't know that for sure."

"But it's possible."

I sighed at him mentally around to open the door but he pulled me back giving me a kiss onto the lip while rubbing the bottom of my chin with his thumb. "Please stay safe, the second you go in we'll be right behind you sitting on the side."

"The same goes for you." I smirked as he sighed giving me another kiss onto lips but this time adding it with his tongue. He grabbed my waist giving it a squeeze as I tried to pull away from the kiss but he just continued to kiss me.

"Luciano," I laughed a little pulling away. "You're going to mess up the lipstick." I said making him chuckle.

Taking a glance at him I was feeling so horny right now from how good he looked. He was manspreading as well in the seat which didn't make it any better.

"Tell me, if anything feels off baby, I'm serious."

"I will." I assured getting out of the car before he could pull me back again.

One of Lucianos snipers were watching me onto one of the roofs to make sure I got in. Making it there the bouncer let me in considering Luciano gave him a call.

I walked in seeing flashing lights and music blasting through my ears checking my surroundings.

Are my hands getting sweaty?


"Mia!" I heard Alex yelled seeing them at the bar.

I walked over to her and Theo seeing Theo basically wasted already. No sign of Isabella or her boyfriend yet. "You looking fucking amazing, as always." She smirked

"Isabela isn't here yet?" I asked.

She shook her head "No, but they should be here in a few minutes or seconds. Cant wait to see her new boyfriend, no wonder why she hasn't had time for us."

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