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"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Luciano smirked giving my neck soft kisses while we were in the car going to the restaurant. That he wouldn't tell me about, says it's a surprise.

"Yes you have, a lot of times." I laughed putting my hands onto his shoulder as he chuckled against my skin. "Focus on the road."

"Well can you blame me?" He questioned stroking the inside of my thighs. "I'm very focused."

"So you really won't tell me where were going?" I asked as he shook his head no.

"I already told you, it's a surprise" He smirked. He snuck his hand more up my dress as I smacked his hand away earning a laugh from him.

Arriving at the restaurant Luciano had a reserved parking. Of course. He got out the car as I was about to open my side and get out when I felt someone push the door back as a frown feel upon my face being confused.

The door opened as I saw Luciano hold his hand out for me. I slowly put my hand into his getting out of the car as he firmly wrapped his arm around my waist. "When you're with me, don't ever try to open the door for yourself baby, okay?" He told me lifted my chin up to face him.

I nodded. "Never had someone do that for me."

"Now you do." He assured giving me a soft kiss onto the lips. Walking inside the restaurant there were a few people - couples actually. They were all dressed sophisticatedly nice as well.

"Mr. Rucci, we've been expecting you." The desk guy said as he showed us to our seats. The spot was empty and basically giving us privacy. With the slow music playing in the back and the lights being dimmed it felt a little relaxing.

I don't really like fancy restaurants like that, but I couldn't tell him now. I might actually enjoy this.

Luciano pulled my chair out as I set down while he sat down on his side as well. "Do you like the place? We can go somewhere else if you would like." He suggested

I shook my head. "I'm not really into fancy restaurants like that, but as long as i'm with you I don't really mind where I'm at." I stated truthfully as he smiled.

A medium height - pretty brunette women approached us with a hand book in her hand guessing she was our waiter. "Mr. Rucci, haven't seen you in a while." She smirked smiling a bit at him catching attention.

The fuck.

It's like i'm not even here.

"Aren't you suppose to be taking our orders?"
He asked putting his hands together glaring at her completely avoiding her greeting. Her smile dropped lightly as she put on a fake laugh.

"Of course, what would your drinks be today?" She asked in a sympathetic voice.

Isn't she full of shit.

"Sprite." I firmly said sending her a warm smile. I wasn't drinking any alcohol today, and I really did need something refreshing today.

"Vodka." Luciano quickly said closing his menu. She was completely side eyeing him as he didn't look at her once, his full attention was focused on me.

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