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"Mommy mommy." Luca said running into the room. He jumped on the bed into my lap showing me a drawing.

"Who is that under the tree?" I asked.

"My pet lizard." He said.

"When did you have a pet lizard?"

He stayed silent. "Bye mommy." He smiled jumping off my lap and running into the room making me look confused. When did he have a pet lizard?

Luca's five now, and I really don't want him to grow up on me. What am I going to do without my mommas boy? It's also been confusing because Luciano doesn't want him to grow up either he always wanted another child but I don't. Being pregnant with Luca was really hard on me and the way I felt afterwards about my body and the new adjustment to my life made it even worse.

Luciano walked in and came over to give me a kiss.

"You smell like metal." I said making him laugh. He layed into my lap as I stroke the strands of his hair.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"You." I trailed.

"More details." He said facing me.

"About how you always wanted more children, and a big family and how I didn't. It's just.." I trailed wiping my eye. "I cant give you what you want you know? You always wanted a big family, and I could barely handle Luca. I just always remember on how terrible I treated you and Luca when he was first born. I was always so insecure, my mind was going in different places." I sniffed.

"You were a first time mom, you were going through a lot Mia, I can never hold you accountable for that. I respect your decision on never wanted more children. We have Luca, that's all that matters." He told me making me nod.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He assure giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Luca ran back inside hopping onto the bed whispering Luciano something making me look at them both.  "You two are always gossiping." I sighed.

"We are not." Luciano defended. I rolled my eyes as he picked him up tickling and throwing Luca in the air as Luca laughed. It always feels weird and unreal to realize that I am actually a mom now.

Even more a wife.

I have a family. And it's hard adjusting to since it's such a big change but I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I still remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. I was nervous as hell.


"You okay?" Theo asked making me nod.

"You look gorgeous." Alex said wiping a tear from her eye.

I loved my dress. We had our wedding very privately so it wasn't a lot of people for protection but we invited the most important people. Luciano's parents, his sister,  brother, the guards, my two friends, and Luca. He was our little flower boy with the help of Mattheo,

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