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It was finally morning, like the appropriate time of morning and Luciano was still asleep. I was doing my hair singing to myself softly as someone knocked on the door almost making me almost burn myself.

I groaned mentally setting down the curling iron going to open the door seeing a tall man with jet black hair that was moved to the side with his hands in his pocket.

A small similar version to Luciano.

"Can I help you..." I trailed

"You can actually." He went reaching in his back pocket. In a flash there was a gun pointed at my face as I raised my hands in defense shaking. "Where the fuck is my brother?" He asked deeply

"I..." I stuttered on my words.

"Luciano. Where the fuck is he? I tracked his phone and saw he was here. Don't tell me your another one of his whores that's trying to trap him with one of your ugly ass babies." He seethed cocking the gun at my head making me flinch.

"I-I'm not... Luciano!" I yelled shaking scared hoping that he would wake up. I heard heavy footsteps and in any second Luciano was sprinting down the hall with both of his guns in his hand pointing them up.

He looked at the guy and sighed putting his guns up. "Stefano what the fucks the matter with you? Get those guns out of her fucking face now." He sternly said.

"You know her?" He asked

"Of course I do." He sighed as the guy put his guns up as I hesitated but slowly put my hands down while wiping my eyes.

That's a good way to start off a morning.

Luciano quickly came over to me cupping my face in his hands. "You okay baby?" He asked making me nod my head yes.

"I'm just going to go finish getting ready..." I trailed walking away from them going to the back hearing them bicker.

At least I met his brother.

I got out my face cleaner putting it onto my face seeing Luciano come in the bathroom. He came
up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Sorry about my brother."

"It's fine, always a first time for everything right?" I said making him laugh. "Did you take the aspirin and water?" I asked making him nod.

He grabbed the curling iron and grabbed a piece of my hair doing the rest for me. "How did the meeting with your friends go?" He asked.

I sighed "Not good, Isabella was rude the entire time. Then when I finally said something to her about it all of a sudden I was rude one. She was upset because of me being with you I guess. Did you hook up with her or something?" I asked wiping my face off.

"What does she look like?" He asked

I dried my hands getting my phone off of the bathroom counter showing him a picture of her as he looked closer then hummed "No we didn't, but she did go down on me."

My eyes went wide as I looked at him through the mirror. "You're such a slut."I stated making him laugh.

"I was in a superior suit that was above from a party. Some girls came up for a fun time and there was your friend Isabella" He explained.

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