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Next Day


"Luciano." I whined feeling his body press against mine from behind while I was in the kitchen. He decided to surprise me and come over because he felt like I needed company while still grieving over Greta.

"Hm." He went on grasping my hair into his hold from behind me earning a gasp coming from my mouth. His other hand trailed up and down my stomach going down more in my silk pajama shorts
rubbing my clit softly.

"Ah." I breathed out holding onto the counter.

"I would continue to do this, but I rather have you cum onto my tongue." He whispered taking his hands from out of my shorts giving my neck a light kiss. He grabbed my waist turning me around making me face him. He was glaring at me.

I bit my lip as he picked me up with his hands onto my ass making me laugh as he carried me to the back and into my room leaning me down onto the bed.

"Hush, and let me eat." He sternly said smacking my hand away as I giggled softly. He gave me a light kiss on the lips going down to my neck trailing his breath onto it leaving wet kisses and licks. "I love how soft your skin is." He whispered giving my ear a light kiss.

His hands went onto my waist giving it a light squeeze as he trailed them back up lifting my shirt up while leaving it still on. He was teasing me.

His tongue ran over my breast and lightly kissed my nipples while squeezing them into his hand as he kissed in the middle of my stomach. "So fucking beautiful." He growled kissing my waistline. He went lower kissing in between my thighs while grabbing my hips as my breathing started to get heavy.

He trailed his fingers inside the leg part of my shorts rubbing his fingers up and down my wetness. "You should feel how wet you are onto my fingers." He whispered as I whimpered in response while he slid my shorts down slowly.

"Luciano please." I begged as he kissed my clit. I tried to reach my hand down there, but he smacked it away. His tongue flattened onto my clit teasing me.

"Behave." He said firmly as I felt his tongue dive inside of me. I gasp loudly gripping onto his hair as his tongue circled around my hole while his hands gripped my thighs holding me down.

I heard him moan as his back muscles flexed while I was a moaning mess. My back arched from the bed as I grabbed my breast into my hands.

"Luciano... please." I said in between breaths as his thumb circled around my clit with his hand other hand still gripping my thigh.

"Oh god." I breathed out trying to run away but he grabbed my waist holding me down. "Luc... I have to-." I started to say but was cut off from squirting onto his face.

No guy has never made me do that... I didn't even know that was a real thing.

I glanced at him down there seeing his head dive down more. He was enjoying it as much as I was. "Fuck." I moaned while his tongue continued to thrust inside of me.

I gripped onto the sheets when I felt him get a good grip of my waist flipping us over so now I was on top of him while his tongue continued to circling around and thrust inside of me.

"Oh my god." I moaned holding onto the headboard.

"I can feel your pussy beating against my face. Ride my face baby." He growled giving me a smack onto the ass.

I know that I was probably drowning him right now as I put my hands on the back of his stomach riding his face slowly feeling myself about to release again.

"I can't... please." I whined feeling chills run through my body and as tears started to form my eyes.

"What the fuck did I just say? Ride my face." He snapped while his fingers gripped onto my ass. I moaned riding his face intensely with my legs shivering.

"This pussy is mine, correct?" He asked firmly as I held my head back releasing again.

"Y-Yes, it's yours." I whimpered gripping onto his stomach riding out my orgasm.

He hummed as I felt myself about to release the biggest orgasm ever as his tongue licked and circled around my hole with his grip tightening onto my ass.

"Shit." I moaned releasing hardly with my legs shaking. He ran his tongue up and down my pussy giving my clit a light kiss.

I breathed heavily about to get off of him but he still held me down sucking and licking all of my wetness. When his grip loosened I slowly got up collapsing onto the bed with my legs still quivering.

"God." I breathed out lightly turning over onto my stomach reaching my hand over to his chest hearing him chuckle taking my hand in his.

His face was soaked and completely wet making me laugh. "I can eat your pussy all day." He whispered giving my lips a light kiss making me taste myself.

He licked around his face and wiped off the rest with a towel. "Care to go again?" He asked grabbing my thighs pulling me towards him.

"I need a break." I sighed moving my legs from him putting my shorts back on making him laugh. He laid down in bed with me pulling me closer to him.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow night." He said making me turn around onto the bed and look at him.

"A what?"

"A date." He repeated caressing my cheek with his thumb. "Tomorrow night, at 7pm, be ready."

"I'll make sure to wear my shittiest outfit." I joked making him laugh.

I admired him more rubbing his chest softly while tracing over his tattoos when I saw a small scar that was under his pec that was a little covered up by a tattoo and some of his chest hair. "What's this?" I asked rubbing my thumb across it.

He looked to see what I was looking at and grabbed my hand gently giving it a light kiss. "A bullet wound." He said

"How old is it?" I asked

"Only a year old. Forgot how it happened though."

"How do you forget?"

"Once you've been shot more than once you forget. But it hurt like hell is what I remember only." He said trailing his hand down my side when I felt him slide his thumb over my scar. "Care to tell me where this came from?" He asked.

I froze up a bit clearing my throat "Just a little accident when I was a cooking a while ago."

"You're such a terrible liar. If you don't want to talk about it right now you don't have to, it's fine." He assured giving my forehead a light kiss.

I nodded biting the inside of my cheek. Snuggling up against him he secured his arms around me making me feel safe and warm. Which was the best feeling ever.

"Goodnight baby." He whispered kissing the top of my head. I smiled slowly closing my eyes.


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