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I heard loud commotion outside of my door making me instantly wake up turning my lamp light on while rubbing my eyes. "The hell." I groaned getting up wrapping my robe around me.

Walking to my door I opened it seeing a bunch of medical men by Greta's door. Looking closely I saw them carrying Greta out of her apartment in a gurney. "Excuse me, can anyone tell me what's happening?" I asked walking up to them

"Ma'am we need you to step away." They told me.

"I will not fucking step away. What's happening? Tell me what's happening to her." I said trying to get pass them but they held me back.

"Greta! Get off of me! what happened to her?!" I said still trying to get past them. One of the men grabbed me gently holding me back as I looked over there arm seeing them put Greta inside of the hospital van driving away.

"Are you family?" He asked.

"Not really but- Then we can't let you get on or anything unless you're family." He said cutting me off.

I sighed deeply wiping my eyes and walked back inside my apartment slamming my door. "I don't even have any of her family members number you asshole." I muttered to myself.

I turned my living room light on going to sit on the couch rubbing my head.

God I really don't want to do this.

Don't do it Mia.


I hesitated at first but dialed Lucianos number down into my phone slowly clicking the button as it started to ring. We've talked only a little bit lately but not as much.

I don't even know why I just called him, like I'm used to handling my feelings on my own but now I can't anymore.

The more I bottle it up the more it hurts.

I was about to just hang up the call when he picked up on the 2nd ring. "Mia." He said in his thick accent.

"Luciano... hi, sorry if you were busy or doing anything." I said playing with the end up my robe.

"It's fine darling, I told you to call me whenever you want. What happen? Are you alright?" He asked concerned

"I just needed to hear someone's voice that's all." I said

"And you chose mine? Nice choice." He replied making me laugh. "It doesn't sound like that's all, so tell me what's really wrong."

I sighed feeling myself about to cry again. "I actually just wanted someone to be here with me tonight, but it would be dumb of me to ask you. You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Don't. It's fine, I'll be there in a second alright?" He assured

"I didn't even tell you my address."

He laughed. "You don't need to." Hanging up the phone I slowly set my phone down trying to remember any of Gretas relatives.

Someone knocked onto my door a few minutes later as I paused my tv getting up going to get it. When I opened it I saw Luciano standing there with his hands in his pocket. "That was fast." I breathed out as he chuckled walking inside.

He slowly took off his shoes when I felt him grab my hands gently leading me over to the couch sitting down as I sat down with him. His hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer as I slowly laid my hand onto his chest halfway.

"Tell me what happened." He said putting his hand onto my chin making me face him by looking up.
"I'm listening." He assured

"The lady that lives by me, she was just taken away to the hospital. They wouldn't tell me what happen or anything because i'm not family but it's really getting to me because shes like family to me. And it bothers me that I can't find out which hospital she's in, I just needed someone here with me." I explained.

He nodded wrapping his arm around me more pulling me closer to him. "I can find out which hospital they took her to."

I lifted my head up from his chest and looked at him "You can? How?" I asked.

"I have my ways." He sternly said getting a hold of my chin making me face him.

"Thank you, and thank you for being here with me." I said.

"You don't need to thank me."

"I do. We only hooked up a few nights ago and here you are listening to me about something when you didn't need to. In plus I bet you're a very busy person." I said

He shook his head "I told you to call me anytime and you did. Stop overthinking." I nodded as he brought his face closer to mines giving me a soft kiss on the lips.

When he was about to pull away I stopped him by continuing the kiss while moving my mouth with his as he slid his warm tongue inside of my mouth earning a moan escape my lips. His hands went up to my face rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb.

His tongue was warm and gentle like he wanted to remember my taste and never pull away. The kiss was out of lust and hunger as his tongue slid against my bottom lip.

I climbed onto his lap as I heard him murmur something with his hands grabbing my waist gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped one of his hands around my throat pulling away.

"As much as I want to continue this, your stomach is growling very much." He went on "Let's order you some food, Yeah?" I looked into his eyes seeing how completely concerned he looked about my well - being.

"Okay." I softly said as he smiled giving me one last kiss onto the lips. He grabbed my waist lifting me off of him and got up going to order the food.

Okay then.


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