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3 years later


"Dada!" Luca exclaimed. Luciano smiled picking him up from off the bed drying him off. Luca Rucci. Our three year old son. It's been five years years since me and Luciano has been together and I've never felt happier.

Luciano was a great dad, he was even a better parent than me at first. Luca really did stress me out when he was a baby I cried almost everyday because I just thought that he didn't like me. It was hard at first but things got better. Now he's a mommy's boy.

Took me a while to get off the baby weight but I did it. I was feeling insecure after having Luca, I thought I would never get my body back. Luciano helped me through the way, and I love him for that.

Still remember when I gave birth to Luca, Luciano thought that I was going to kill him.

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"You have to push." The doctor said as more tears formed my eyes.

"I can't!" I hissed as Luciano held my hand.

"Baby please push." Luciano said.

"Luciano shut the fuck up, can't you see that I'm trying! How about you do this instead of me!" I yelled holding my head back.

"If yelling at me helps you push out our child than keep doing it." He informed while stroking my hair gently.

"I can't believe you put me in this predicament. You're so fucking selfish!." I sniffed. I saw him smile making me glare at him.

"Come on Mia push, I see the head. Sir get down here- No! He is not seeing this baby come out of me!" I yelled cutting her off.

I saw her eyes widened then nodded as another nurse came. "I need you to push." Fucking hell this shit hurts. I knew that giving birth wouldn't have felt good, but it didn't know it felt like someone was shoving a knife inside of you.

"It hurts so bad." I croaked.

"Look at me okay. Squeeze my hand and push as much as you can. You can do this baby." Luciano whispered. I took in deep breath closing my eyes beginning to push as Luciano continued to encourage me in my ear.

"One." The doctor counted as I pushed more taking in deep breaths with drops of sweat rolling down my face.

"Two." One more push.

"Three." She counted. I took in a huge deep breath pushing hard while letting out a huge scream. I dropped my head back onto the seat breathing heavily when I didn't hear anything.

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