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"Off." I firmly said as Mia looked at me confused. We were driving back to my place from the dinner as she sat in the passenger seat teasing me with her dress.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently.

"Underwear. Off." I repeated as her eyes went wide darting to mines. She smirked humming to herself slowly lifting up and sliding her underwear off from under her dress.

I grinned at her taking them and put them behind the wheel on the turn signal as I saw her cross her arms moving her legs. I put my hand back onto her thigh slowly caressing it as I saw her breathing get heavy.

With a calm face focusing onto the road my hand went higher reaching her wet pussy and clit as I rubbed circles around it, her legs flinched a little as she bit her lip holding her head back.

Sliding a finger inside of her  she lowly gasp holding her head back holding onto my arm lightly. Her pussy was soaked as I thrusted my finger slowly in her tight hole putting in another finger as she moaned shifting in the seat.

"Luciano." She breathed moving her legs a little more. My two fingers circled around her hole thrusting in her deeply as her low moans filled the car.

She held onto my wrist with her eyes closed as her hole clenched around my fingers. She let out a moan as I felt her cum onto my fingers making me smirk giving her pussy one more slow deep thrust taking them out seeing my fingers were soaked.

As she tried to catch her breath I laughed to myself licking my fingers parking my car in the garage. "Cmon." I grinned getting out of the car earning a glare from her.

I opened her door helping her out as she slowly caught her balance. "You did that on purpose." She glared taking her heals off as we walked up to the door.

"Of course I did." I admitted while opening the door as we walked inside. As she walked inside I stepped behind her grabbing her waist gently "Don't tell me that you thought that was your punishment." I whispered leading her upstairs and into my room.

She stood in front of the bed when I turned her around making her face me. To say I was shocked when she stood in front of me slowly taking her dress straps off of her shoulders and pulling her dress down leaving her completely naked in front of me since she wasn't wearing a bra.

She walked closer to me coming up to my ear on her tippy toes "What are you waiting for Luciano? Fuck me already."  She whispered giving my ear a light kiss.

She will be the death of me, I swear.

I unbuttoned my shirt eagerly taking it off along with my slacks grabbing her throat and pressed her down onto the bed. I lifted her head up by her neck giving her lips a deep kiss sliding my tongue inside of her mouth as I felt her hands go down to my zipper and button undoing my pants.

She slid them off with her feet not breaking the kiss as she lifted her body up pressing it more against mine with her hands grabbing my bulge.

"Così fottutamente bello." I whispered in between the kisses onto her necks. She grabbed my tip positioning it at her hole as I laughed a little stopping her. (So fucking beautiful)

"Behave." I said giving her a soft kiss onto the lips as she whined. I completely caught her guard by slamming inside of her tight wet hole as she gasped hardly holding onto my arms.

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