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Two days later


Getting to the cafe I walked in seeing Alex and Theo as I sat down. They wanted to meet up and i'm guessing they invited Isabella. I didn't really know because they didn't tell me.

Sitting down we all greeted each other as Isabella walked in. "What's this about?" She asked sitting down.

"Were all friends, so why not hang out like we used to." Theo shrugged.

She rolled her eyes as we started to get into conversations with Isabella adding in her input once and a while. "Are you in love with Luciano now?" Theo teased.

"It's too soon to say love, we've known each other for a almost 4 months." I defended making him laugh.

"But why are you with him if you don't love him?" Isabella commented.

I shrugged. "It's just too early too tell. I know time doesn't matter on when you love someone but... I just don't know yet." I shrugged.

"Doesn't he have like lots of groupies or something? He probably cheating considering he's never been off the market." She smirked.

I side eyed her "Are you okay? You seem very bitchy today."

"Guys." Theo mumbled.

"No, whatever is on your chest get it off. I'm listening." I said turning my attention to her. She's been making smart comments ever since we've got here and I tried to ignore it but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"My problem is that you just walk into this town three years ago, then suddenly get to be with the most richest guy around here? I just find it pathetic that's all." She scoffed taking a sip from her drink.

"You must've been one of his groupies before I got here to be this upset." I said back.

"You're such a bitch Mia." She said getting up and leaving out of the Cafe.

"Isabella." Theo called out while going after her.

"That was a bit harsh Mia." Alex sighed

"It wasn't my fault." I defended

"It was still uncalled for." She said making me roll my eyes getting up and walking out. We are all grown ass people. And she's fighting with me over someone who doesn't even know her.

"Jesus." I sighed getting inside of my car.

I tried to call Luciano but he didn't answer which was a little surprising because he always answers.

He's probably busy.

I sighed to myself turning on music trying to relax myself and drove home.


"Bella?" I cooed walking into my condo. I heard her meow running towards me making me laugh picking her up.

"Mia?" Someone called out making me turn around realizing I didn't shut my door yet. I turned around seeing Noah making me wave giving him a welcoming smile. He lives downstairs.

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