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"Are you sure?" Luciano asked while we were in the car.

"Yes... I'm sure." I said putting my hands onto my lap. It's been two days since whole thing with my parents and Luciano got really angry and the torturing got out of hand.

My parents are dead.

I didn't know how to feel about it. They treated me horribly wrong but they were still my parents you know.

But I can't be mad at him, I expected him to loose his temper even if I didn't expect them to die. I didn't want to see their bodies, so he just burned them and gave me the ashes. I spread the ashes in the garbage.

I didn't want any other memory of them.

"You can tell me if you're upset, If you are I'm really sorry baby. I didn't mean to kill them no matter how bad I wanted to." He sighed.

"Luciano it's fine. I promise." I assured truthfully.

"Okay." He nodded as I laid my head onto his shoulder.

His hand led up onto my thigh as I laughed pushing it away. "Period."

"But Im so hungry." He sighed turning around to face me. "What am I going to eat if it isn't your pussy?" He asked

"Actual food." I said smiling as he rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"That doesn't compare to whats in between your legs." He sighed holding his head back.

As we continued on with random conversations there was a hard bump with caused us to almost basically fly hard onto the seat. Luciano rolled the window down seeing we were somewhere he didn't recognize.

"Take this." He whispered to me handing me a blade.

"What do I- strap it to your thigh. Are you wearing the thing I told you to wear?" He asked cutting me off as I nodded.

"Strap it to there." He told me as I did as told. He took his gun from his back slowly going up to the front where the driver was. I heard lots of yelling as the car suddenly went faster making me hold onto the seat. I looked over out the window seeing how fast we were going.

The hell is going on.

"Stop the fucking car Peiro!" I heard Luciano yell. We continued to go fast as I heard a loud gun shot making me flinch covering my mouth.

It went silent for a while as I slowly tried to look in the front. "Luciano?" I called out softly.

"Mia? Baby get up here hurry." He told me. We were still going faster as I went in the passengers seat seeing Luciano in the drivers seat and blood was on the windows and the steering wheel making me concerned.

"When I say jump, we jump okay?" He said. I had no other thing to do except do as he says. I opened the door getting a little scared after seeing how fast the car was going. Can I even survive this? "Okay..."He went on putting his gun back in his pocket. "Jump!" He yelled as I closed my eyes jumping out as he jumped with me.

I didn't even know what was happening because my eyes were closed but the pain was unbearable. After rolling all over the ground it finally stopped as I slowly opened my eyes seeing we were somewhere surrounded around a barn and sand. It looked like a empty freeway.

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