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I woke in bed from the flashing light shining in my face. What the fuck. I told Luciano to close those eye killers. I didn't feel anything around me as I turned to see Luciano not in bed with me.

I hate waking up alone.

He wasn't in the bathroom or anything so I rubbed my eyes picking up my phone to call him. He picked up on the second ring. "Hey baby." He answered as I heard grunting and cries in the background.

"Luciano, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm just- Shit. Wait a second baby." He went on as I heard more cries also hearing his breathing getting heavier. "Shut the fuck up, can't you see that I'm on the phone?" He questioned harshly to someone I'm guessing he was with.

With the cries going on and on I got suspicious. "What are you doing?" I asked hearing his breathing get heavy.

"I'm just, fuck-" He went on as I heard his gun cock. I heard a loud shot making me jump a little as the cries immediately stopped.


"Make yourselves useful and clean this up." He went on as I heard more commotion. "I'll be there in a second baby, I just had to handle something. Get dressed and give your suitcases to the guards, the car should be there any minute." He told me.


"I love you." He said making me smile.

"I love you too." Hanging up I groaned kicking the covers off of my body heading into the shower.

We're really going to Italy.

I stripped out of my clothes walking inside of the shower. I turned on the water relaxing from how hot and steamy it was. I shampooed my hair giving it a good scrub when I felt a large strong body behind me.

"Let me do that." He said in his deep accent making me smile turning around seeing Luciano.

"You got here fast."

"Told you I would be here any minute. The fucker got blood on me. Cant go to Italy like that, now can I?" He smirked making me laugh.

"You aren't off the hook from leaving me in bed alone again." I scowled.

He chuckled rubbing my cheek. "It was only the second time."

"Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night." I said as he washed the shampoo out of my hair. God he's so good with his hands.

I almost moaned as he scrubbed and massaged my scalp while washing all of the soap out. "Forgive me now?" He whispered from behind me.

"No." I maintained. I felt him grab my waist pressing his body against mine with his hard right onto my ass. He turned me around backing me against the shower wall since he had a walk-in shower.

He lifted my chin up bending down, and attacked my lips while plunging his tongue inside of my mouth. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer with his other hand onto my throat.

I lifted my leg up and wrapped it around his while moaning into his lips. The kiss was intense as he had full control over it. He pulled away smirking at me. I was confused and out of breath until he went down grabbing my legs and put them onto his shoulder making me hold onto the wall.

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