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Leading him into the hotel I stood onto my tippy toes kissing his lips, and he put his hands onto my waist lifting me up easily without any hesitation as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He slowly leaned me onto the bed going down to kiss my neck as a soft whimper escaped my mouth. "Lift up your hips for me." He said in a soft voice. I bit my up lifting up a little letting him take off my underwear.

"Sei un fottuto tesoro." He growled in Italian. I didn't even know what he was saying but I was loving every second of it. He went to my breast leaving kisses onto them and sucked my nipples, and began to kiss down my stomach as my breathing got heavier. (You're a fucking treasure)

He went back up slowly kissing onto my earlobe with his hands traveling all around my body. "So gorgeous ." He went on kissing my shoulder "

His face went to the crook of my neck again as I felt his nose brush against my skin.

He kept teasing me every second while he kissed every and admired ever single part of my body. I wasn't worried about him seeing my scar on my side considering how dark it was.

Everything happened so fast when I felt his tongue dive inside of me making me arch my back from the bed "Oh my god." I moaned as his tongue went many ways inside of me.

I've gotten head many times but not lately. But all I know is that none of them compared to how he was doing it right now.

His tongue was so warm and wet inside of me I felt like I was about to explode. He showed some much care for my clit with his tongue diving deeper inside of me.

I felt myself about to release so quickly while I gripped onto his hair with my other hand gripping onto the pillow that was above me. His thumb started to rub and play with my clit making me gasp lightly coming onto his tongue hardly.

"You even taste amazing." I heard him say.

I saw his back muscles tense with his head diving down more licking my entire pussy. He kissed in between my thighs not missing a inch, and kissed his way back up to my lips. "Don't tell me your going to stay fully dressed forever." I teased tugging on his pants as he chuckled a little taking his shirt off.

I haven't did this in a while mostly because when I did it wasn't good most of the time. He might be different, I hope he is. Maybe I should've gotten really drunk but if it's good I would like to remember it.

He took off his pants as I saw the huge bulge in his underwear making me take a deep breath. He slowly reached over me getting a condom from off the dresser and looked at my face.

"We can stop if you want. " He assured.

I shook my head. "No it's fine."

He nodded taking his boxers off putting the condom on leaning back down while kissing and sucking onto my neck. "Just do it, no countdowns." I breathed out impatiently earning a laugh from him.

"Mm you sure?" He questioned between the kisses onto my neck. Fuck this teasing has to stop.

"I'm sure, god you pussy do it alrea- Ahh!" I moaned as he cut me off by slamming into me.

Fuck he was huge.

"What was that?" He smirked grabbing my neck lifting my face up thrusting in me hardly. My eyes were already rolling to the back of my head already with my legs quivering as my nails started to scratch his back.

"You feel amazing around me." He grunted pounding into me now making the bed shake while it hit the wall continuously. My moans were getting louder by the second as I held onto the headboard with my eyes shut.

"Fuck." I hissed as he grabbed the back of my legs stroking in me deeply while kissing onto my breast.

The feeling of him being inside of me burned but his touch was warm. He was stretching me out considering I haven't had sex in so long.

"I'm about to cum." I breathed out holding onto his arm holding my head back.

"Not yet." He whispered as I whined holding onto him. His thrust were so deep and dominant the sensation was just increasing with my body getting hot.

He pulled out slowly making me think it was over and because i didn't think that I could take anymore. He smirked grabbing my waist flipping me over onto my stomach. I bit my lip slowly arching my back for him as I felt a slap onto my ass making me moan.

In no matter of time he slammed inside of me and grasp my hair into his hands tightly making me gasp. "Just like that- oh my god." I moaned as he pulled my head back by my hair and slowly kissed my neck.

"If you ever call me a pussy again I swear I will fucking punish this tight little pussy of yours every time I can. Understand?" He questioned with his breath trailing onto my neck.

"Shit." I hissed harshly as he pounded into me mercifully while his grip tightened onto my hair. My eyes were so far back to my head I saw pitch black darkness.

"I don't like to repeat myself." He whispered.

"Y-Yes I understand." I whimpered putting my hands onto his stomach trying to tap out.

He let go of my hair and grabbed my hands putting them behind my back while his other hand pressed down onto my back as my face hit the pillow. "So fucking good." He grunted.

My moans were being muffled by the pillow as he pounded into me once at a time hardly. "Don't hold back, I want to hear you."

I bit my lip with tears rolling down my cheeks "I can't take anymore." I moaned feeling myself about to release hardly.

"Are you about to cum?" He whispered thrusting in me when I felt a hard slap to the ass making me moan with my toes clenching.

"Yes I am." I breathed out

He let go off my hands and grabbed my neck lifting me up as I put my hands back onto his stomach. "Cum." Was all he needed to say to make me let out a deep breath and come hardly with my legs quivering. His thrust started to slow down as he came into the condom while I collapsed onto the pillow completely out of energy.

"Oh god." I breathed out trying to catch my breath with my cheeks completely flushed and my legs still shaking as I weakly rolled over onto my back pushing my hair out of my face.

He got up and put the condom into the trash. "I can't get up." I sighed trying to lift myself up but failed.

He laughed at my actions making me glare at him. I stretched feeling defeated so I just pulled the cover over me and laid down feeling my eyes slowly close.

I felt strong warm arms around me pulling me closer to them as I sighed feeling more relaxed falling asleep.


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