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2 weeks later.


Sighing mentally I got up from the bed going to do my morning routine and get ready for the day. It's been two weeks since the whole thing with Luciano and I hate to say that I've felt empty every since.

But after what I saw I didn't even know how to face him or talk to him. He shot a guy, He's the leader of a Mafia. Like what do I even say to that.

I ran away from violence to have a normal life and I don't think that being with a Mafia leader will keep it that way but I missed him so much.

He's been trying to call me lately and show up at my place trying to talk to me but I could never bring myself to face him so I just avoided him.

I set Bella's food out for her when my phone started to ring. Part of me wanted it to be Luciano and the other part of me did as well. I looked at the collar ID seeing that it was Alex. "Hey." said answering it.

"Hey, I have some news for you." She squealed.

"What's the news?" I asked

"We are all going out tomorrow, me, you, and Theo. I get paid tomorrow so therefore we are all getting drunk tonight. And don't say no because I realized that you've been down lately. And I'm sorry for not telling you about Luciano soon, I thought you knew already." She said.

"It's fine, what about Isabella?"

She sighed. "I don't know what's been going on with her, when we went to go check on her she just blew us off. So fucking weird."

"Maybe she's just going through something, we should give her some space and try again later." I assured.

"I guess."

"So there's no way of me getting out of this?" I asked.

"Nope, get your dress ready and your breast pumped." She laughed hanging up.


Today was the day that I was going to go visit Greta. Before everything happened Luciano gave me the address of the hospital they took her to before everything happened with him, hopefully they let me in. I put on comfortable clothes getting me keys off the dresser.

"I'm going out to run a little errand okay Bella? Watch the place for me."I told her as I got a meow in response.

I walked out the door making sure it was locked and took the elevator downstairs seeing my Nicole my other neighbor in the elevator. "Hi Nicole." I greeted

"Why has Luciano been at your place lately?" She asked instantly almost making me choke on my spit.

"W-what? You know him?" I asked.

she scoffed."Everyone's know him. Why the hell has he been in and out of your place lately?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business." I shrugged. Her nose flared with her eyes squinting into mines. She was angry.

"Considering he's big around here, and we've dated before as well. Therefore I think I have a right to know why he's been spending time with you." She smirked.

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