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3 days later.


"Ow! Luciano!" I yelled wincing in pain while he changed my bandage. "So heavy handed." I winced holding onto his wrist.

"Sorry baby." He sighed putting on a new one.
"I knew putting you in the middle of this was a bad idea. Yet I still went on and agreed to it. You got hurt Mia. I told you I would keep you safe and look at what happen. I'm glad the son of a bitch and his girlfriend is dead but that doesn't change the fact that she shot you." He said truthfully.

"I'm still alive aren't I? You have to stop blaming yourself."

"That feeling, I never felt that in my life. Nothing was suppose to go wrong, you weren't suppose to get hurt." He sighed.

"Luciano, I'm fine. Everything still went well, and you got Leonardo. Thank you for not shooting Alex and Theo by the way." I said.

"Of course, even if I had my suspicions about them too." He went on. "My mother is coming by today."

I laughed "Did you assure her that I was fine... she shot me in my side but her aim was off poorly."

"She knows, she's just worried still." He told me.

I tried to get up but Luciano instantly stopped me and pressed me back down onto the bed. "I think I can manage myself enough to use the bathroom."

"You sure?" He asked.

I laughed "Of course I'm sure, what are you going to do? Pee for me?"

"I can get you a bucket." He joked making me scoff at him.

I got up going to the bathroom as he followed me making me turn around and look at him while I stood in the bathroom doorway. "Luciano."


"How long are you going to keep this up?" I laughed.

"Until you get better my love," He went on.. "Come on." He said leading me into the bathroom. He sat onto the bathroom counter fixing his rings as I sighed.

"Your going to watch me pee..." I trailed.

"I'm not looking, go on." He said.


I was about to bend down but I felt his hands lift me back up. "Don't bend down like that, it's bad for your side." He undid my shorts and pull them along with my underwear making me cross arms at him.

"Thank you, now leave." I said sitting down.

"But- Luciano." I said in a warning tone cutting him off. He held his hands in defense walking out of the bathroom.

Finishing up my business I washed my hands walking out of the bathroom seeing Bella by the door. Luciano went to my place to get her since he didn't want me to leave his house. And they let me take time off of work from my injury... along with Luciano almost threatening them if they didn't.

I didn't tell them that I got shot of course, just that I was having problems.

"Hey Bella." I cooed about to bend down to pick her up but winced holding my side.

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