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I felt soft kisses onto my cheek and forehead as my eyes started to flutter open seeing Luciano. "You have to get up and take your aspirin and water." He whispered giving me a soft kiss onto the lips.

I lifted myself up weakly as he handed me the aspirin and water as I took it coughing a little. I looked around slowly seeing a nice grey and white room that was enormous. My condo was big but this room was huge.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"My house - my room as well. You got drunk last night and I wasn't about to leave you there."
He stated calmly.

I nodded feeling something come up my throat when Luciano held a trash can to me holding my hair back as I puked my guts out.

Never getting drunk again.

After I finished I sighed pushing my hair out of my face. "Do you have any mouth wash?"

"In the bathroom." He said as I nodded getting up going inside the bathroom. I took the mouthwash off the counter gargling it in my mouth and spitting it out rinsing out the sink. I looked down and realized that I was in a large t shirt with my underwear still on.

Guessing Luciano undressed me. I walked back out wrapping my arms around myself standing by the door way seeing him put his shirt on. I stood there admiring him slowly as he was in his own little world.

"I see you undressed me." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"You puked on your dress in the middle of the night so I couldn't leave you like that, sorry if I crossed any boundaries." He said coming over to me.

"It's fine... you've seen everything before anyway." I shrugged making him chuckle. As he stood in front of me I realized how much I truly missed him. Walking closer to him I stood on my tippy toes giving him a soft kiss onto the lips pulling away. "Thank you for last night."

"Don't thank me."

"I'm ready to talk now... if you are." I said biting the inside of my cheek going over to sit on the bed.

"Follow me." He said gently grabbing my hand dragging me out of the room. I took a look around his house. He had lots of pictures of painting and some pictures of his family, I can tell that he probably lives alone along with his housekeepers and other workers.

As we went down the stairs and went down more stairs after stepping in front of a door. The walls were black and the floor was black as the door was grey and was made of metal with an security system on it.

"When I show you this, you have to promise not to get afraid or run away." He said as I nodded my head yes.

He stepped closer to me grabbing my chin making me face him. "Words Mia."

"Yes, I promise." I found myself saying obeying what he said which surprised me a bit. He nodded turning around and opening the door. He slowly pulled me in as my eyes went wide from what was in it.

"Luciano... what is this?" I asked looking around. There were guns and knives on the wall along with machetes and smoke bombs. There were assault rifles, sub machine guns, Carbines, shotguns, sniper rifles, Glocks, and rugers on one wall. With Bollock daggers, jambiyahs, trench knives, and other knives on the other wall.

"My family and I, are the Rucci MaFia. I've been in it since I turned 18. We do things like gun trafficking, Drug smuggling, Torturing, deals, extortion." He went on. "My men are trained assassins which explain the knives along with the guns and snipers. This is who I am Mia. I wouldn't blame you if you want to back out and cut off communication with me but I will not hide who I am, not from you, or anyone else. But the most thing I fear is you being afraid of me. I want you to feel safe when you're with me, I don't want you to be scared of me because I will never hurt or would ever lay a hand on your beautiful body and I promise that. And I am a man of my word." He explained.

I looked at him taking everything in and unwrapped my arms from around myself. I walked up to him wrapping my arms around his torso. "Okay." I whispered. "Thank you for telling me the truth, I want to be with you... but this is a lot to take in. Can we take things slow?"

"Of course." He said caressing my cheek with his thumb. "How come all of this isn't freaking you out."

"The night we hooked up and you forgot the gun in your back pocket I didn't want to ask questions because we were already in the moment. I just thought you had it because well... What human doesn't have a gun in this world?" I shrugged.

"So you have one?"

I nodded. "Of course, I have two of them actually. Im a women living by myself Luciano, Of course I have a gun."

He laughed as we walked out of the room. When I turned around I felt myself being pressed against the wall lightly feeling his lips onto mine as I responded quickly wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifted me up sliding his tongue into my mouth.

He pulled away and started to kiss my neck as his hands gripped my under thigh with his breath trailing onto my neck with nose nuzzling into it.

"I've missed you." He whispered.

"I've missed you too." I said biting my lip.


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