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"Fuck!" I moaned loudly as Luciano pulled out coming onto my stomach. My waist dropped onto the bed since he was holding it up while pounding into me. He went inside of the bathroom and came back out with a towel cleaning me off as I laid there breathless while pushing my hair out of my face.

"Want to play cards?" He smirked making laugh weakly.

"Where are we supposed to be going next?" I asked.

"Some friends of mine here invited us to a party tonight. But now we're going to go look at more exhibits, it's so much that I want you to see." He said grabbing my waist pulling me towards him.

"Want to go for a swim?" I smiled.

"Naked?" He questioned with a grin.

"No, it's still people and housekeepers around." I sighed making him laugh.

"Fine. You can get up first." He said. I knew exactly why he wanted me to get up first. I squinted my eyes at him rubbing my legs and got up from the bed almost loosing my balance. I turned to look at him seeing him smirk at me with his hands behind his head.

I scoffed walking to the closet hearing him whistle. He shortly came to the back with me pushing his body against mine while I looked for a bathing suit. "The way your ass jiggled was like heaven." He joked when I felt a hard slap onto my ass.

"Get on your bathing suit and stop gawking at me." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Have you seen yourself? How can I not stare." He replied wrapping his arms around my waist. I put my bikini top on as he tied the back for me and put on the bottoms while he put on his swim shorts.

This is our second day in Italy, and I was loving every second of it. We went to a art exhibit the second we got packed in yesterday. He took me to see some of his favorite spots and places when he was little.

This is the first time I've ever seen him fully relaxed and calm. A little soft and sensitive as well. I'm glad he let me see this side of him.

I grabbed a towel from the closet heading downstairs with Luciano chasing me trying to touch my ass like a child making me laugh a little. Making it outside I set the towel down onto the chair about to head in when I felt myself being pushed in making me squeal.

I came back up from under the water seeing Luciano laughing. "Why did you do that..." I trailed trying to fake cry.

He stopped laughing slowly and looked at me. "Mia. Don't." He sternly said as I faked sniffed.

"Leave me alone." I said wiping my fake tears.

"Baby..." He trailed bending down holding his hand out to help me out the pool. I smirked grabbing his hand and pulling him in with me face first.

"Oh your good." He chuckled. He disappeared in the pool under the water when I felt my legs being pulled down. He pulled my legs down into the water attacking me.

I was screaming and talking with the water bubbles going up seeing him smile at me. He let me go as I went back up the water coughing while wiping my eyes. I squeezed my nose from the water getting inside seeing him come back up the water still laughing.

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