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Feeling light kisses onto my face as they led down to my neck. They fell upon my chest when my eyes started to flutter open. Opening my eyes slowly and rubbing them I saw Mia making me chuckle tiredly.

She kissed her way back up and straddled me while moving her hips back, and forth.

"Good Morning." She whispered. Her breath smelt like mint with her hair in a perfectly straightened ponytail as her hips grinded against mine making me groan.

She kissed more down onto my chest with her soft lips as I felt her tongue against the middle of my stomach. She slid my underwear down as I rubbed my face watching her seeing her lick the pre-cum that was on my tip off giving it a light kiss.

"Mia-" I started to say but was cut off from her taking me fully inside her mouth. "Shit." I hissed as she took it back out of her mouth running her tongue up against it.

Her tongue was warm and gentle as she wrapped her hand around it stroking while licking and sucking onto my tip. Cupping her cheek into my hand she took me in her mouth again taking all of me. She moaned as I felt myself hitting the back of her throat and even a little deeper as she lifted back up taking some out with a little watery eye.

My dick was covered in her saliva and I didn't even care because I was enjoying it. Fuck she had me whining like a bitch.

"Fuck, you're doing so good baby." I grunted while her head bobbed with her saliva leaking down onto my stomach. "Mia." I moaned grabbing the side of her face. She wasn't hesitant about anything, she was sure of every movement not stopping.

"Mhm, just like that baby." I groaned.

Her head went up and down slowly. She laid flat onto her stomach right in between my legs taking me so good. Her mouth was filled with my dick inside, I took over her entire mouth and she was looking at me while sucking. "That's my good girl." I smirked as she sucked onto my tip more.

Her tongue slid up and down with her sucking and slurping as I felt myself about cum. "Fuck, fuck, Fuck, baby I'm gonna-" I started to say but already came inside of her mouth. My balls twitched with the veins onto my dick popping each time.

She kept her mouth onto my tip making eye contact with me and let it go making my dick lay flat onto my stomach. She swallowed all of it and came back up to my mouth giving me a kiss.

"Happy Birthday." She whispered as I felt her hand squeeze my dick lightly making me laugh at her.

"That's a good way to wake me up." I smirked giving her a smack onto the ass.

She giggled getting up going into the bathroom. I followed her stretching my arms as I felt a smack onto my ass making me glare at her see her smiling.

"Hahaha, so funny." I mocked as she laughed harder while I put my pants on.

"Are you ready for today birthday man?" She smirked walking up to me. I laughed grabbing her waist lifting her up onto the bathroom counter while I brushed my teeth.

"You know that's not all you're getting from me. Have a few presents stored up around here that you don't know about." She said

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