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Slowly opening my eyes from the bright light through the window I saw Luciano staring at me making me laugh lowly. "What?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Nothing. Just admiring you, is that such a crime?" He joked

I shrugged "Guess not. Why is that curtain always open." I groaned getting my hair from my face rolling onto my stomach.

"It's not that bright." He went on going under the covers rubbing my bare ass from under my shirt. "Still naked?" He smirked.

I felt a hard smack onto my ass making me whine lowly. "It's too early Luciano." I sighed seeing him with a hard on.

"It isn't my fault." He defended.

"Well good luck getting it off yourself." I said turning back over trying to go back asleep hearing him chuckle.

"Wake up, I'm bored." He said giving me another smack onto the ass making me moan.

"I'm tired, and your little stunt last night kind of died down my legs." I said moving over away from him. He grabbed my waist pulling me back towards him and started talking in my ear while playing with my hair.

"Luciano." I whined laughing a little.

His fingers trailed down from my ass to under my leg and rubbed both of them up and down my pussy. "Your pussy is soaked though." He whispered.

"It's the female body." I sighed.

He laughed "I'm bored baby."

"And I'm tired." I defended. "Just go back to sleep."

"It's hard to go back to sleep after you've already woken up."

"Well try, or go bother someone else." I groaned. I turned my head moving closer to him and snuggled up against his chest. I heard him laugh a little wrapping his arms around me.

"Get that thing off of me." I told him feeling his dick poke my stomach.

"It won't go down with you being close to me with no underwear on." He defended.

"Think about hairy balls." When I said that I suddenly didn't feel it anymore making me look under the covers seeing it on soft making me laugh.

Even on soft it's big.

"Jesus." He sighed making me laugh.


After finishing up my morning nap when Luciano finally let me sleep we were now in walk in shower together. "Luciano." I groaned.

"You're standing completely naked in front of me Mia. You can't argue on this one." He shrugged causing me to roll my eyes while washing his stomach.

"Feels amazing to have your servants do all the work for you." He joked making me side eye him. 

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me
closer to him with his hand on my ass. "My sisters coming back over today before she leaves. Did she flirt with you when she helped you with your scratches?"

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