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"So you saw him again?" Isabella asked over the phone making me laugh.

"I can't talk about it anymore, I'm at work." I told her

"I know but seriously. Then he gave you his number. What did you say his name was again?" She asked

"I only got his first name, Luciano." I sighed

I heard her hum a little to herself "His name sounds familiar but I can't really remember it."

"Well think harder detective." I teased hanging up hearing her sigh through the phone.

"So are you sure that you can handle my cash?" One of my clients said.

I rolled my eyes mentally "If you have to question me on if I can hold your money or not for your investment why did you even hire me to assist you?"

She nodded crossing her arms. "You're right, this is just my 2nd investment and I don't need anything messing it up."

"And you think that I would mess it up?"

"Of course not Mia but- Amanda listen. You're my best client today, but you have to stop being so paranoid." I said cutting her off.

"Okay." She said

"Thank you." I sighed writing down her payments and recognitions.


Finally making it back home I yawned unlocking my door about to open it when one of my neighbors came out "Hi Mia." She greeted

I sent her a warm smile "Hi Greta." She nodded smiling back walking into the elevator. Greta was an elderly lady that lived next to my condo. Her daughter comes by to visit her sometimes and I even go and check up on her a lot when they don't.

She's always worried about me as well, she treats me like I'm her daughter and I didn't know how to feel about it. But she always made me feel loved.

I opened my door walking again setting my keys down "Bella!" I called out referring to my cat.

I heard commotion in the back making me stop in my steps immediately taking my gun out of my purse and setting my purse down.

When I ran away from my so called parents I had to buy a gun because I thought that they would find me one day and try to drag me back home. I lived in fear for a year after I ran away. Then when 2 more years went by I finally felt at ease in my life and realized that they weren't going to find me. Not that they gave a shit if I ran away anyway.

Also bought it just in case of an intruder.

I cocked my gun slowly walking around while taking out my flashlight as well. Walking towards the kitchen I turned around quickly seeing no one there making me relax.

Continuing to walk slowly in my steps I headed to the back slowly and gently checking my surrounding each second while looking into every room fully getting my gun ready. As I approached the back of my room.

I slowly opened the door about to shoot when I saw Bella jumping on my dresser again which is what caused the commotion making me sigh putting my gun down.

"Shit Bella." I sighed almost feeling myself about to cry. "You can't do that okay?" I told her massaging her head fur as she meowed in response.

I sniffed slowly wiping my eyes hugging her softly. "When you hear my voice always run to me alright?"

I wiped my eyes fully sighing trying to relax myself taking in a few deep breaths at a time.

They aren't coming for you Mia. Calm down.

They can't find you, it's been 4 years.

I kept repeating that to myself as Bella snuggled up against me making me smile.

I got my phone from out of my pocket and quickly called Isabella as she picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just calling in to end the night." I said getting up beginning to take my clothes off turning the shower on.

"Oh okay, to end the night I'll let you know on this lady in line when I was waiting for my food." She sighed.

I laughed as she began to ramble on about the lady, and how annoying her attitude was.

None of them knew about my past life or about my parents. Not Theo, not Isabella, or Alex. I just wanted to put the past in a little box and lock it away forever.

All they know is that I came here to start a new life, which is the way I wanted it to stay.


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