i. what's my name?

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Celaena prided herself on being many, many things. Someone who got caught was not one of them.

She cursed under her breath as the cool metal table bit into her flesh and flickering, fluorescent lights sent an ache into her head. She'd been sitting here for an hour already.

No one had officially arrested her. Instead, two men in blue had shown up at her school, standing menacingly in the main office. They'd been silent on the ride over. Celaena figured they were only going to question her. She could play it cool, gauge what they know, and figure how to get out of it.

She couldn't be in that much trouble, could she? She quickly racked her brain for anything less than legal she'd done lately.

Too long of a list.

Celaena forced herself to lean back into a rickety chair, taking a deep breath. Her hand reached unconsciously for her locket. The door opened, and a woman walked in.

She walked looser than than the other cops had, arms swinging casually by her sides. Celaena watched her carefully, noting the tense way she held her neck, the way her hand hovered close to but not in full reach of her weapon.

The woman cleared her throat, dragged a chair out, and sat. Celaena braced herself for what she would say next.

She was not someone who was often surprised. Today was a day of exceptions it seemed. Celaena was not prepared for the words that were said. Not prepared to be gently told that her foster father had been found dead. Murdered. (Was there any way to say "murdered" gently?). Not prepared for the roaring silence in her ears or the chill that raced down her spine.

Murdered. It wasn't like he ran with a good crowd. Celaena could think of dozens who had a vendetta against him. Celaena herself had a bone to pick, although she had never been able to follow through.

The woman asked if she was okay. Celaena nodded, gulping down some air. The woman, who introduced herself as Marta, carefully guided Celaena out the doors and into a car.

"Where am I going to go?" Celaena asked, watching the city fly by in a blur of neon lights and silver metal. "Back into the system?" she asked. Celaena had bounced around a little as a child, but had spent years with Arobynn. Their relationship had been... complicated, but she knew him well.

Marta glanced at Celaena in the rearview mirror, her blue eyes flashing. Celaena frowned. Celaena's own eyes were brilliant turquoise blue, ringed with gold. But something about the dark tint in Marta's eyes was...not natural. Colored contacts, maybe. Celaena also noticed a raised line along her cheek, a scar, covered with makeup to hide the red.

"I think it's better I explain this sitting down. Let's get to your house first, then we'll talk and you can pack."

Celaena wasn't a lost kid anymore, and Arobynn was gone. She was free. She told herself that she'd climb out the window in her room and run the first chance she got. The weight of her decision made her feel a bit better about the turn things had taken.

They passed the car ride in silence until they reached her home. Her and Marta stepped out of the car, observing the small gray house, with its peeling paint and falling shutters. The pitiful flower garden.

Marta accidentally trampled some petunias on the way in. Celaena fished out a key and unlocked the door, glancing suspiciously at the woman as she walked in. Why had Marta opted to take her, and not the two men from before? Perhaps they had simply thought Marta would be kinder in breaking the news.

"Have a seat," Celaena gestured, once in the living room.

Marta glanced around. The inside was no better than the outside. Decent, tidy, but run down and old. She sat down on a couch.

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