xxxvii. hello, witchling

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Fenrys observed the beautiful woman by Aelin's side. It wasn't the first time he'd met Nehemia, and he'd be lying if he said that he hadn't thought of her since. There was something regal about her tall stance, something mysterious glimmering in her dark eyes.

"This is the place," Nehemia murmured in her lilting Eyllwe accent. She was dressed differently than normal. Rather than the flowy tunics from her homeland and gold jewelry, she dressed more like Aelin. Black leggings, white shirt, and a faux leather jacket thrown overtop. Even the gold rings in her braids had been taken out and her hair covered with a hood.

"Really," Aelin drawled. "Are we sure it's not some other toxic dump?" she asked sarcastically, eying the building. Neon lights flickered within and loud voices clamored. Stray bottles littered the sidewalk outside.

Fen glanced around him. Rowan and Connal stood by each of his shoulders, scanning the place over themselves. The others were occupied at home with pressing business regarding the Valg's weapons shipments. Which was why Rhoe begrudgingly sent the group on their own.

"Aren't we going in?" Rowan asked.

Aelin sent him a pointed glance. "Patience. We're waiting on someone else." Her eyes darted to Connal, and he rolled his eyes.

Fen smiled lightly, guessing what was happening. After Connal and Aelin had talked, Connal had immediately reached Fenrys to tell him. Of course, Fenrys had already known. Honestly, it was like they thought he was a bad twin. Connal also mentioned Aelin's little matchmaking attempt.

Soft footsteps interrupted his thoughts as a lithe figure slipped out of the shadows. Aelin strode towards him, arms outstretched.

"Lin," the voice greeted, as arms wrapped around her. He had a mop of unruly brown curls and was just barely taller than Aelin.

Fen smirked knowingly as he glanced at Rowan, whose jaw was clenched. His smirk soon fell, however, when he noticed Connal's shallow breathing. "Con," he whispered. "You okay?"

But Connal's eyes were fixed on the man, whose face was visible now that he'd moved away from Aelin.

"Nox," Connal said.

The man, Nox, straightened and looked directly at Connal. His mouth fell open. Then the two were meeting halfway, arms wrapped tightly around each other.

"What the fuck?" Rowan murmured.

Fen ignored him as Aelin reached their side. Nox, Nox...shit. Nox was Connal's childhood best friend. He whispered as much to Aelin, who seemed just as confused as everyone else. For once.

"Oh," she breathed. "Well, shit."

"Did you really bring him here just to try and set Connal up?" he whispered into her ear, trying to keep Rowan from hearing.

Aelin smirked. "And it worked beautifully because I'm just that good," she said quietly. "But in all seriousness, I needed Nox's help for something else tonight. Setting them up was a bonus."

"Help with what?" Fen hissed.


Of fucking course.

Nehemia joined Aelin's other side, just as the two men finally released each other. "Are we ready?" she asked.

Aelin raised an eyebrow at Connal and Nox, who took a moment to collect themselves. "Ready," Nox chimed in.

The group fell into formation, Aelin at the point, and entered the bar.

Several sets of eyes fell on them, but the group remained unfazed. Fenrys glanced towards the corner where Aelin was leading them. A group sat there, scattered across several tables.

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