xxiii. i have an idea

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Aelin tapped her pencil against the desk, increasingly losing interest in her teacher's words. Sighing, she glanced down at her half done notes, then over at Chaol studiously writing beside her.

With the eraser side of her pencil, she began to poke his upper arm.

He sent her an exasperated look, but ignored her. After a few more minutes passed, he swiped the pencil from her.

With a quiet huff, Aelin focused her attention back to the board for the remainder of class.

Then the bell finally rang. Aelin stood up, tossing her things into her bag. Chaol stood up beside her, and the two made their way into the hallway together.

"Would it kill you to stay focused for once?" Chaol grumbled as they joined the clamor of the halls.

"Absolutely. I'd die of boredom, and it would be your fault," she deadpanned.

Chaol rolled his eyes, though she knew he was secretly amused by her antics.

As they neared her locker, she slowed down. "You can go ahead. I'll meet you at lunch."

"You sure?" he asked.

She nodded and waved him away, before turning to her locker. It only took a minute for her to switch out her books and slam the locker door shut. Aelin had just turned towards the cafeteria when she heard loud voices behind her.

Aelin moved towards the sound, her eyes landing on the small cluster of people near the locker bank next to hers. She recognized Kaltain, surrounded by some of her friends. The brunette was on the cheer team, alongside Lys, and Aelin had only ever heard bad things about her. From her spoiled nature to her arrogance....Aelin had considered it best to merely avoid the girl.

"Don't you talk?" sneered Kaltain.

Aelin's eyes landed on the girl she was speaking to. She didn't recognize the girl there, but took in her features. She had dark skin, and her jaw was clenched as she met Kaltain's glare. Her long hair was pulled into tight braids away from her face.

"Probably doesn't speak English," one of Kaltain's friends chimed in.

"Yeah, haven't you heard? She's the new exchange student from Eyllwe," another said.

"Poor thing," Kaltain said, her tone turning sugar sweet. "You don't understand what I'm saying? But surely you understand this?" she reached out with her hand and shoved the girl's shoulder.

Having seen enough, Aelin strode towards the girls. She slipped towards the new girl and tested her luck, asking if she was alright in Eyllwe. It had been a while since Aelin had learned the language and she was sure the words came out sloppy.

Nonetheless, the girl's eyes widened and she nodded. "You speak my language?" she asked in the same tongue.

Aelin glanced behind her briefly to see Kaltain and the others watching them in surprise. Without another word, she grabbed the girl by the arm and brushed past Kaltain.

The pair made their way down the hallway, which had gradually emptied.

"Thanks," the girl said, still in Eyllwe. "I'm Nehemia."

Aelin turned to face her and introduced herself.

Nehemia's eyes widened briefly, which Aelin picked up on.

"Something wrong?" she asked. When Nehemia shook her head and schooled her face into a light smile, Aelin dropped it.

It turned out the girl had lunch next, so Aelin steered her towards their table.

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