xviii. stay in the car

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They made a sharp turn around a corner, Aelin falling into the side of the door. She righted herself afterwards, glancing through the rear window to find the black car speeding up in pursuit.

Two more black cars fell in behind it, identical in every manner.

She cursed, facing the front. Adrenaline pounded through veins. "Can't you drive any faster?" If only she had a gun, too. Might make it a more even fight.

Aedion echoed her cursing from the seat beside her. Aelin noted the way his hand drifted to some hidden weapon underneath his jacket. Her own knife was pressed against her ankle, cool metal brushing the skin there.

They rounded another corner, entering a more crowded street. Aelin gasped as Rhoe wove around a car, cutting it off. He continued to weave through the traffic, earning honks and shouts in response.

Aelin didn't think she'd ever complain about Vaughan's driving again, after this. She probably would actually, if only to give him shit for it.

They cut off another car, which came to a screeching halt. But, as Aelin glanced behind, she saw that many cars had stopped in the confusion. The black cars were caught somewhere in the chaotic traffic.

Rhoe took another sharp turn off the street, sending her tumbling into her brother. Aedion righted her, keeping an arm wrapped around her shoulders as he glanced back.

No sign of the black cars.

They continued to speed down the empty road, taking a few more turns. She didn't know how long or far they drove into the night, before they finally slowed down.

As the car fell to a normal pace, heavy silence filled the air. Then, "we lost them," Rhoe said, continuing to glance over his shoulder.

"Yeah," Aedion breathed.

Aelin slipped out of his arms, settling back into her seat. Her shoulders finally relaxed as she let out a low breath.

"Who were they?" Aelin asked, already expecting them to deflect.

Aedion and Rhoe exchanged glances. Carefully, Rhoe began, "We have some enemies, fireheart. People that would go to extreme measures to hurt some of us."

"Why?" she pressed. When no one answered, she scoffed and turned to gaze out the window.

The rest of the car ride passed in silence, and a faux feeling of peace washed over them.

Rhoe drove them back home, through streets that were becoming more and more familiar to her. She watched as the road widened into their long driveway, which should have been blocked by the tall iron spired gate.

Instead, the gate was wide open. Bodies slumped on either side, with red streaking their foreheads.

Pulling the car to a stop, Aedion and Rhoe immediately jumped out. Aelin followed, eyes glued to the dead guards.

Aedion stepped in front of her, trying to shield her eyes from the scene. Ever the protective one. He cupped her chin and tilted it up to meet his eyes. "Hey, stay in the car, okay? Lock the doors and call me if anything happens."

"But Aed-"

"Just do it. Please," he added.

Ahead, she saw Rhoe making his way to the front door. Not wanting him to go alone, she nodded and slid into the back seat. Upon seeing her safely stowed away in the car, Aedion was off. The pair disappeared through the front door.

The second they were out of sight, Aelin clambered out of the car. She slipped out her thin knife from her boot. Not ideal against guns, but it would have to do.

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