xliv. this is exciting

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"Behind you, Fen!" Fenrys whirled at the voice of his twin, ducking just as someone's fist barreled towards him. He quickly grabbed the man's arm, twisting it harshly behind him.

The man groaned, but Connal quickly knocked him out. Fenrys let the man drop to the wooden floorboards.

The ship rocked gently on the waves, and Fenrys shuddered. "I hate being on boats."

His brother laughed. "Suck it up."

Aelin tugged herself up and over the edge of the circular door, scrambling onto the rocky ground. Water came up to her shins and sloshed onto her black clothes. The pier stood several feet above them, footsteps sounding on the wood.

Aelin reached a hand down for the women from before, a finger at her lips in reminder to keep quiet. The woman nodded and rose to her feet. Aelin helped a few others, giving them all the same quiet reminder.

As the others started to help lift people up, Aelin turned and eased her way to the edge of the pier. She saw the waves churning in the distance.

She fished out her phone and sent off a quick text, waiting for confirmation.

Fenrys replied swiftly, ship's under our control, and sent the name of the ship. Aelin let out a sigh of relief and stepped out from underneath the pier, spotting the ship in question.

The pier was filled with stray Valg, but the ship itself had been secured. A rope ladder was set down from one of the lower level windows, out of sight from the pier.

One by one, Aelin had the people climb up the ladder. At the top, they were helped in through the window.

Several people sent her shaky smiles, which she returned. When she watched the last girl disappear into the window, she texted Ilias. This the last of them?

Yes, he sent back.

A face appeared in the window of the ship, who Aelin recognized as one of Ilias' right hand men. She sent him the all good signal, and he nodded.

Within minutes, the ship had departed. The workers on the docks were none the wiser, and Aelin returned below ground to the bunker.

She followed the familiar path, but froze as she heard several boots around the corner.

"Is the attack going well?" a voice asked.

"Yes. They fell for the trap."

Not quite, Aelin noted smugly. The footsteps approached her, and she sighed. She slipped out her gun.

The first man turned the corner and yelled to the others. She darted forward and slammed the gun against his temple. He slumped, but the next man was there instantaneously.

He aimed a fist at her face, but she ducked below it and grabbed his wrist. Her knee rose to slam into his gut.

The third and final man lifted his gun and pulled the trigger, but Aelin had already ducked to use the second man as cover.

A third gunshot sounded. Her own. She watched the man sway, then collapse. She dropped the man she'd been holding up as well.

"Aelin, all good on your end?" Aedion's voice echoed over the ear piece.

"Yup. You?"

"Yeah. The rest of our men joined the ambush and pushed the Valg back towards the North wing. Let me know when you're ready."

"Alright," she said, picking up the pace. Rowan met her halfway. His hands were instantly cupping her cheeks and scanning over her. The worried gaze dropped to her blood splattered clothes, and she shook her head. "It's not mine."

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