xxxiii. it's your birthday, dumbass

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A sudden shift on her bed startled Aelin from sleep. She held her breath and was already reaching for the knife under her pillow, when she heard a familiar voice.

"You're gonna wake her up, Fen," Connal hissed at his twin.

An arm snaked around her, but she didn't jump since she figured it was Fenrys. Instead, she rolled over and blinked wearily at his grinning face. She muttered, "never do that again. Unless you want to get stabbed."

His grin didn't falter as he pinched her cheek. "Guess what day it is?"

Aelin frowned. "What?"

A chuckle from the door grabbed her attention. Aedion was leaning against the doorway with a light smile. "I told the twins to leave you alone, but I figured they wouldn't listen."

"What's today?" Aelin asked, as she sat up in bed and ran a hand through her messy hair.

"It's your birthday, dumbass," Fen cheered, before throwing his arms tightly around her.

Aelin's mind had ground to a halt. Birthday? It wasn't her....oh. She realized that she had never really known her real birthday. Arobynn had always 'celebrated' right after New Years.

Connal hugged her next and said softly, "happy birthday, Ace."

Her brother strode over to join them and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Happy Birthday, Aelin," he whispered. He then shooed the twins away and watched as they left the room hastily.

Aedion took a seat on the edge of her bed and examined her expression. His lips tilted downward as he murmured, "you didn't know it was your birthday, did you?"

She smiled. "No, I didn't. So this was quite a surprise."

He laughed softly. "I thought for sure you'd be more excited about your birthday. Which is why we were all confused when you didn't mention it." His face grew serious as he said, "this is your first birthday back in...14 years. Usually, everyone was miserable around this time. Thinking about you, wondering if you were okay. Having you back-"

Aelin threw her arms around him as he broke off. "Well, I'm back now. And good luck getting rid of me."

Aedion huffed a laugh, even as his arms tightened around her. He lingered for a moment, then pulled away and said, "we should head down for breakfast."

"Say no more," she said solemnly as she slipped out of bed. "I'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes."

Aelin slipped into her bathroom to get ready. Her mind flipped through memories of her birthdays with Arobynn. Usually, she'd be lucky to get a cupcake. And they were from Ben who would then strongarm Arobynn into giving her the day off. She would go to the library or the theatre as a gift, sometimes with Ben to accompany her.

It was her sixteenth birthday that had been the best. She'd spent the day with Sam, traipsing around the snow covered city. She tucked the memory away into the back of mind with a smile.

By the time Aelin made it downstairs, everyone was waiting in the kitchen. Her dad reached her first and bent down to press a kiss to her forehead. "Happy 18th, fireheart," he said fondly.

"Yeah, happy birthday!" Vaughan said. He walked over and slung his arm across her shoulder. He wiped away a fake tear and said, "our little girl's all grown up, isn't she, Rhoe?"

Her dad rolled his eyes at Vaughan.

"Always with the theatrics," Connal sniped, earning him a glare from Vaughan.

"You hush," said Vaughan.

Aelin smiled at their exchange and rushed to take a seat in between Rowan and Connal.

Lorcan, who sat across the table, wished her briefly and slid over a stack of chocolate pancakes.

"Who made these?" Aelin asked, after she thanked him and added several pancakes to her plate.

"I did," Rowan said.

Aelin turned and raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh?"

He smiled and his hand came to rest on her knee under the table. "Happy birthday, fireheart," he murmured, too lowly for the others to catch. His words sent her insides into a confusing jumble.

"Thanks," she breathed. Rather than sort out her confusing emotions, she took a bite of her pancakes. "Oh my god, these are so good!" she added.

Before Rowan could even reply, Vaughan roped her into a conversation from across the table. She joined in, but it was difficult to ignore Rowan's presence when his hand never left her knee under the table.

After breakfast, they trailed into the living room for gifts. From her dad and Aedion, she got a new laptop to replace her beaten down one. They also gifted her a framed picture of the three of them and her mother. In it, a young Aedion was in Rhoe's arms, while Evalin held baby Aelin.

Connal got her a book series she'd been dying to read, while Fenrys got her a charm bracelet. Vaughan had gifted her some clothes which were all undeniably perfect for her.

Even Lorcan got her something, which he reluctantly handed over in an oak box. "A gift for me, Salvaterre?" she snarked.

"Just open it," he grumbled.

She did, pleasantly surprised to find a gleaming new dagger with an elaborate engraving of flames on the hilt.

"Ooh, fancy," Vaughan said, leaning over to examine it.

"It's gorgeous," she said warmly. "Thanks."

"Yeah, whatever," he responded, but a slight smile bared his lips.

Rowan went last, quietly handing over a book. It was filled with sheet music, a collection of classic tunes from Terrasen and Adarlan.

"You play piano?" Vaughan asked, looking over the gift.

Aelin nodded, fingers already itching to fly across the keys. "I'll play for you one day," she said, but her focus was on Rowan as she said it.

His pine green eyes sparkled as his hand brushed hers.

Aelin spent the next half of the day with her family, who eventually drifted back into the kitchen for lunch.

It was a simple day, but Aelin could find nothing to complain about. She was simply content to enjoy her family's presence.

It wasn't until around 3 p.m. that everyone scattered and went their own ways. They made up odd excuses that left her rather puzzled, but she let them go. Only Rowan hovered around her, green eyes fixed on her.

"Where's everyone actually going?" she asked him.

He chuckled. "I can't tell you that, princess. But you should probably get dressed."

"For what? Are we going out?"

"Something like that."

"So ominous, buzzard," she said. When he didn't deign to respond, she said, "you can't lie to the birthday girl," she argued. "Rowan," she said, drawing out the syllables of his name.

"Don't be a menace," he said, but the teasing smile never left his face. "Just get ready. The day isn't over yet."

Aelin scowled at him. "I'm not a menace. Tell me what you mean."

Rowan only flicked her nose and said, "it's a surprise."

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