lii. to whatever end

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Her dad and brother hadn't stopped hovering, as if expecting her to have a meltdown and start launching things across the room.

Honestly, she was damn close to actually doing that. So she couldn't blame them, but her nerves were still pulled taught and on the verge of snapping by their concerned glances.

Yrene, one of their best doctors, had been called on the drive itself. She was already awaiting them when she and her dad carried Rowan in on their shoulders.

The doctor was one Aelin had met before, after the first Valg attack. She had glowing brown skin, eyes a deep coffee brown, and golden brown curls that cascaded down her back. Despite her kind aura, she was quick to bark orders at them once they laid Rowan down.

Take off his shirt, hand me that bowl and those towels, hold him down. Lorcan and Aedion had joined them by now, but it was Aelin who held his hand while Yrene poured the disinfectant into the wound.

It was her who held his hand while Yrene dug for the bullet. Rowan's eyes had fluttered open and he'd groaned, but quickly lost consciousness again. It was for the best, she told herself, and tried not to panic at the lack of pine green staring at her.

Once it was done, Yrene had ushered them out with reassurances. And so Aelin wound up in Rhoe's office while he called Ilias and Nehemia to let them know of the attack. Ilias' men were fine, but Nehemia had also been attacked on her way over.

There had only been two Valg soldiers after her, a very large mistake considering the woman's skills with martial arts. Aelin had snapped out of her delirium long enough to double, triple check that Mia was fine. Then she'd collapsed back onto the couch with a sigh.

Currently, the conversation in the room was drifting in one ear and out the other. The twins and Vaughan had joined them at some point and were being filled in.

It took a stilted silence for Aelin to realize everyone was staring expectantly at her.

Aedion cleared his throat.

"What?" she snapped.

"You should clean up, Aelin," her dad said softly. She tensed, ready to object, but his gaze dropped to her bloody hands. Rowan's blood. "I'll stay with Rowan." Aelin wanted to object, but she could see the stress on his face. Worry for Rowan, worry for her.

So she nodded and left without another word.

After she'd showered as quickly as possible and called Mia once more to fully reassure herself that she was okay, she made her way down to makeshift hospital room.

She strolled into the room and gasped when she saw he was already up. The others were standing around, off to the side, but all her attention was already on her man.

He was sitting upright in bed, bandages wrapped around his shoulder. Once he noticed her, he sent her a smile that looked more like a grimace.

Aelin rushed over, settling on the side with his good arm. Her hand immediately went to his cheek as she glanced him over. "Ro, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he said, voice slightly hoarse. "Yrene patched me right up, and the wound wasn't that deep."

Aelin sent the doctor a warm smile, to which the familiar brunette nodded kindly.

"He lost quite a bit of blood and needs rest, but he'll be perfectly fine," Yrene said.

Despite the reassurance, a frown still tilted at her lips when she noticed the blood on the bandage.

Her mind flashed back to Sam. Blood stained skin, a metal table-

"Hey," he said softly, as if he'd already sensed her dark train of thoughts. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

All was silent in the room. Aelin ignored the stares as she said, "never do that again."

"Get shot?" Rowan asked, amused. He huffed a laugh, then winced at the pain. "It's not like I can control-"

Aelin cut him off and placed her lips on his. She was careful not to jostle him or brush against the wound, but she needed to feel him, to taste him, to calm her frayed nerves.

She couldn't lose him. She wouldn't.

A couple of cheers erupted as they kissed, mostly from Fenrys and Vaughan. A soft, "what the fuck?" echoed, likely from Aedion.

Aelin broke away from Rowan, to find him staring intensely at her. His thumb brushed her cheek, where a stray tear had fallen unbidden. When she finally glanced at the others, she saw a small smile on Connal's face. Fenrys and Vaughan were outright grinning. Only Aedion was gaping, and Lorcan and her father had on knowing looks.

"Close your mouth, Aed," Fenrys said. "You look like a fish."

Aedion snapped his mouth shut. Then opened it again. "How did I not know about this?"

Vaughan clapped him on the shoulders and said, "you're not the brightest, man."

Her brother only sent his friend an irritated look. Then he glanced between Rowan and Aelin. Before he could say anything, Lorcan grabbed the back of his shirt and hauled him out.

Aedion protested, until their father sent him a warning glance. He acquiesced and left, Vaughan the twins right behind him.

"Did you already know?" Aelin asked.

"The guards saw you sneaking back in last night," Rhoe said, voice stern.


They awaited some final blow, but Rhoe just sighed softly and glanced between the two of them. "Just...take care of each other," he said.

The pair exchanged glances, the words as good a blessing as any. "We will," she said, meeting pine green eyes.

"To whatever end." His hand found hers and squeezed, while Rhoe watched on.

Something wistful flickered in his gaze, and she knew his mind had gone to her mother. Sure enough, Rhoe muttered, "Evalin would have been over the moon to see this. She loved you," he told Rowan.

Rowan wrapped his uninjured arm around her.

"And...I hope you know I've always seen you as a son myself. I couldn't have asked for someone better for Aelin," he said.

She glanced at Rowan in time to see his expression shutter. His breathing hitched, and she leaned over to press a kiss to his temple. He relaxed at the gesture, but his eyes were still watery as he said, "thank you."

Her dad nodded, but added, "date if you'd like, but I expect no more sneaking into my daughter's room at night, clear?" Rowan avoided Rhoe's gaze, tips of his ears turning slightly pink. Aelin resisted the urge to make fun of him, a bit mortified herself at her dad's words.

Rhoe smirked at their obvious discomfort, then walked over to press a kiss to her forehead. Before he pulled away, he whispered, "go talk to your brother."

She sent Rowan a questioning glance, and he nodded. "Go, I'll be fine."

Aedion was, predictably, parked in front of her bedroom door with a scowl. "You and Whitethorn barely tolerated each other. We had to physically separate you at times," he said, without preamble.

She shrugged. "Things change." And oh, how they'd changed.

"I'm still pissed that I'm the last to know, but...are you okay?"

The question surprised her, and she went to sit beside him. "I guess. I just keep telling myself he'll be fine, but inside I keep thinking of Sam. I don't think I could..." she trailed off. Live without him, lose someone else.

Aedion sighed. "We're a family," he eventually said. "And we look out for each other. Nothing's going to happen to either of you on my watch. History isn't going to repeat itself."

She nodded.

He continued. "I'd die for him, but be sure to tell him I'm also willing to cut off his fingers if he hurts you."

Aelin huffed a laugh. "I'll relay the message."

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