lxv. make me forget

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Rowan's ears perked at the sound of Aelin's laughter. High and melodic, it rang out from the living room. That sound was so rare these days. Ever since her return, she was quieter than usual, like she'd retracted deep inside a shell.

Even when provoked by Lorcan, her retorts were forced at best and non-existent on her worse days. No matter how much they tried to remind her she didn't need to pretend, she kept up the attempts like a shield.

At night, she slept fitfully in his arms. During the day, she played piano or sought out the twins and her brother or (with a lot of complaints on her end and threats on Rhoe's) made up some of her school work.

But she was getting better, or so Rowan wanted to believe. She slept through the night more often. Her back was also mostly healed, enough that her dad had willingly let her leave home with Rowan.

Which brought them to his house.

His aunt, upon learning the truth, had insisted he 'invite his girlfriend over at once, or so help me' before devolving into muttered complaints about ungrateful children in the Old Language. When she slipped into other languages was when Rowan had learned not to test the woman.

So he'd invited Aelin over for dinner.

Of course, Aelin and Sellene had already met and were quite a unit. For once, Rowan was quite glad for Sellene's never ending cheerfulness. Some of it seemed to rub off on Aelin, and she seemed genuinely happy as she followed Sellene around for a 'tour' of the house.

Rowan grabbed the glass of water he'd entered the kitchen for, before slipping back out to the living room where Aelin and Sellene awaited.

They were sprawled out across the couch. Aelin rose slightly at the sight of him and accepted the glass of water with a smile. "Thanks, Ro," she said, giving him a slight peck on the cheek before taking a sip.

"Gross," Sellene complained.

"Grow up, Sel."

She stuck her tongue out at him in response, and he sighed.

He took a seat on Aelin's other side, letting her lean against him. Rowan half paid attention as Aelin and Sellene continued to talk about random things, the conversation shifting every two minutes.

It was hard to keep up, and Rowan simply stopped trying after a while, content to hear the bright tones in their voices as they bounced off of each other. They were only interrupted by his aunt calling them over for dinner (which had been ordered from out).

They piled into the kitchen and grabbed their food, settling around the table.

Dinner went smoothly, which wasn't surprising considering his aunt and cousin already loved Aelin. The rest of his family wasn't home, since Rowan had thought it better to wait a bit longer till Aelin met everyone.

His aunt, upon his request, had also got chocolate hazelnut cake from the store.

Rowan watched Aelin eat it with joy, a grin tilting at his lips.

She noticed his gaze and waved her spoon. "None for you, Whitethorn?"

"Too sugary."

"No such thing," she shot back. She brought the spoon close to his lips threateningly.

He reluctantly took a bite, the rich taste of chocolate immediately assaulting his senses. It wasn't that bad, but Rowan had none of Aelin's craving for sweets. "It's alright," he said after.

She sent him a flabbergasted stare. "Just alright? There's no point in reasoning with you. And to think, I was willing to share my cake with someone so ungrateful. And I never share."

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