l. definitely haunted

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Aelin's eyes fluttered open to be met with sunlight filtering in through the window. Small particles floated amidst the beams, dancing lazily in the morning hush.

There was a heavy weight on her chest, and she glanced down to find Rowan's head rested there. A smile rose to her face, while her hand reached up to tug his hair gently.

He murmured something incoherent, before opening his eyes and blinking. After a moment, he lifted his head and met her gaze. His pine green eyes were still hooded with sleep, and his hair mussed.

"Morning," he mumbled. He shifted off her and flopped onto the bed.

"Morning, buzzard," she said. Her eyes snagged on the pink nightgown discarded on the ground with a warm buzz. Last night filtered through her brain, a series of memories that made her heart flutter.

Thoughts of today quickly dulled her bright mood, however.

"What is it?" Rowan asked, as he noticed her change in expression. His lips pulled to one side of his face. They often did when he was worried or thinking.

"I have a bad feeling about today," she said. "It's not like our last trip to the sewers went well."

His hand trailed across her forehead and smoothed down her messy hair. "It'll be fine," he told her. "Besides, you're not going alone this time." Rowan rolled out of bed to get dressed, and she pouted at his back.

"We still have a few hours," she said suggestively.

"And have your brother walk in on us?" Rowan asked. "He'll likely show up to drag you out of bed at some point."

She pulled a face and shuddered. "Ew, thanks for that." Aelin turned to bury her head back in her pillow, not quite ready to leave her safe haven.

Stefan and a few other Valg soldiers who hadn't been turned by Maeve were able to provide bits of information on the Valg's plans. One thing that had been consistently expressed was a mysterious new explosive.

Aelin quickly pieced together that it was hellfire. The same hellfire Cain had shown her in the Shadow Market.

From there, Nox had discovered some mysterious shipments being cautiously transported from Melissande to Orynth. He'd tracked the deliveries to the sewers. Him and Vaughan had worked together to map out the underground tunnels, and highlight the path they should follow.

Hence their trip back to her least favorite part of the city.

That uneasy feeling wormed its way into her heart, but she shook it off. Nothing would go wrong.

Lorcan trudged through the sewers, a constant mantra of curses running through his head.

Rhoe and Aedion were up ahead, leading the way with their flashlights. Aelin and Rowan lingered a few feet behind him, where he was sure they were holding hands or some shit. Disgusting.

He cast them a disgruntled glance and said, "do you two have to walk so slow?"

Aelin stuck her tongue out at him, to which Lorcan had to restrain a smile. He would rather bite his own tongue off than admit that he found the 'fire breathing bitch queen' somewhat amusing. A friend, even.

Lorcan rolled his eyes at her, then turned his attention back to his surroundings, alert for any sign of the stone hounds.

Since the most recent encounters with the Valg, Lorcan had felt on edge. Vaughan was currently at home looking into Maeve, alongside the twins. However, they had found little evidence of her existence. Whoever she was, she covered her tracks well.

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