viii. for the princess

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Sneaking out was becoming more of a frequent occurrence. Aelin would crawl out her window, head to the Guild, and return to her bed well into the morning. She did not expect to get caught.

As Aelin was clambering back over the gate to the manor, a throat cleared behind her. She dropped to her feet, her stomach twisting, and came face to face with Rowan Whitethorn.

His arms were crossed, his lips set into a grim line.

She expected yelling or him running to tell her father. She didn't expect him to sneer and ask where she was.

Aelin didn't answer, and he kept talking.

"I can't believe you," he said, disgust evident in his voice.

Aelin was a bit puzzled. Was he this mad at her sneaking out? He didn't even know what she had been doing. She didn't offer any explanations to him, but she was already sorting through her brain for a decent lie to tell Aedion and her father. At the thought of having to outright lie to them, her stupid conscience gave a writhing twist, but she ignored it. They kept things from her, too.

"...really pathetic, you know that?" he continued.

Aelin latched back onto his tirade with a burst of anger. "I'm pathetic," she hissed. "What are you doing here at 3 am?"

He stilled. "None of your business."

"Then why is what I do any of yours?"

There was something dark swimming in his gaze as he scoffed. "You're an ungrateful brat. After everything Aedion and your father did to take you in, you're just going to run around going to parties at all hours?"

Ah, that's what he thought. Aelin didn't bother correcting him. They'd probably be more mad at the truth than a few parties.

"I didn't take you to be a party princess. But I guess it doesn't matter what I say. You're just a spoiled, entitled brat."

By now Aelin was fuming. Instead of raging, she simply smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I'll invite you next time," she said, with faux sweetness. Her smile dropped and she walked away.

He didn't follow her.

Aelin was fully prepared to find Aedion and Rhoe at her door the next morning, ready to ground her or something.

When they weren't, she cautiously made her way downstairs. Everyone was already in the kitchen, crowded around the dining table. Aelin smiled at the familiar sight. Connal seemed to be trying to do math homework, furiously tapping at a calculator and leaning over to show Fenrys every few minutes. Fenrys shrugged and said, "seems fine."

Lorcan peered over from Connal's other side and made a face. "That is most certainly not fine. How are you so bad at this? It's calculus. This answer should be a full equation, not the number 3, dumbass."

Connal frowned. "So math isn't my strong suit."

"What is?" Fenrys mumbled to his twin through a mouthful of food.

Con shot him a glare, and Aedion laughed from the head of the table. Aedion then turned his head slightly and met Aelin's eyes.

"Hey," he called. "Why are you waiting over there?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I just got here." She made her way to the empty seat beside Aedion, which was unfortunately next to Rowan.

He met her eyes with a blank look and turned back to his food.

Breakfast went on as normal for a while. Until Aelin reached for the last pancake at the same time as Rowan.

They both stilled as their hands touched. With a mocking smile, he slid the plate towards her. "For the princess," he murmured, low enough so that only she could hear.

The chatter around the table continued, and Aelin scowled at him. She left the plate untouched. "I thought you'd be eager to get me into trouble. Why not say anything?" she asked, keeping her voice quiet.

He shrugged. "I'm sure you'll do that on your own."

She scowled deeper. "You're an ass, you know that?"

"Better than a spoiled brat."

"You know nothing about me," she spat.

"I know enough."

Aelin noticed a hush fall over the table as confused glances were sent their way. Perhaps their voices had gotten a bit louder.

Vaughan frowned. "Why are you fighting?"

Neither of them answered.

Rhoe glanced between the two of them. "Shouldn't you and the twins be heading to school?" he asked her. "Rowan?"

Rowan nodded and stood up. Aelin and the twins followed.

Everyone quickly forgot the incident, but they didn't realize it would be the start of a new feud.

Spats between the pair soon became the new norm. At breakfast and dinners, when everyone ate together, the two either ignored each other in stony silence or ended up coming to blows. Car rides were equally annoying in each other's presence.

Once, when Fenrys and Connal stayed behind to study, Rowan didn't even bother to pick her up from school. Much to her dismay, it had started to pour halfway during her walk. She trudged home, soaked to the bone by the time she opened their front door.

Aedion sent her a puzzled glance as she walked past him looking every inch the drowned rat. She went straight to her room and took a scalding hot shower.

Today, it was Aedion who took her to school.

Although she wasn't quite used to having one, she started thinking of Aedion as her brother. Especially when he ruffled her hair before sending her off. She'd scowled at him and straightened her hair, but had broken out into a smile the second she was out of eyesight.

She couldn't deny the car ride was a little smoother without their arguing, but part of her still wondered where Rowan was. She'd asked Aedion, but got only strange side eyes and vague responses. Was he sick? Come to think of it, Aelin hadn't seen him yesterday either.

Shrugging it off, Aelin went to her first class.

At lunch, she sat with the usual crew. Including Lys, who began telling Aelin about a party on Friday.

Aelin was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed.

The next day, Rowan was back. When asked where he was, he curtly responded, "none of your business."

So she rolled her eyes and kept quiet, locking her curiosity away. Rowan Whitethorn hated her guts and was not worth the effort of being curious. Well, that's what she repeated to herself, at least. 

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