lix. let's raise some hell

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Aelin awoke in an increasingly familiar room. Her breath hitched in her throat as she took in blood splattered cement.

Her wrists were handcuffed above her, the iron chains dangling from the ceiling as they held her up by her arms. Her shoulders ached with the tension, her toes barely touched the ground.

Dark room, heavy footsteps. A leering pair of icy blue eyes.

Aelin inhaled shakily, fighting off all the memories of the past. She'd lost count of the days here. Especially when they dumped her in that iron coffin, with no visible sunlight to track the days. She'd wake up and think she was back in Perringon's hands.

Sometimes she wondered which was worse. Here or there.

She'd been alone last time, no one to search for her. But then, her being alone also meant no one to use against her.

She twisted her wrists and tugged against the chains, but they didn't budge. Only further bruised the skin around her wrists, already mottled purple.

Blood was steadily trickling down the cuts along her back and torso. A large gash on her thigh was oozing as well, already soaking her jeans. Her top was discarded in the corner, a rumpled pile.

There was a steady dripping from somewhere in the room.

Footsteps sounded outside, and Aelin stilled. She let her eyes droop shut again, awaiting the familiar presence.

Once the door opened, Cairn stepped inside. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him. His heavy boots landed with a thud against the floor. A swish of metal was heard and she knew he had pulled a knife off the rack.

Aelin tried not to tense up. Her heart had begun to race in her chest in anticipation. Soon enough, the cool metal traced gently down her cheek. It inched down her neck, down her chest, before landing right under her ribs.

It dug in, and she flinched. Her eyes shot open to meet Cairn's ice blue ones.

There was a look of glee on his face as he crooned, "wakey, wakey, princess. Ready for more fun?"

"Nice to see your spirits up," she said. Her voice sounded rough, even to her own ears.

"Well, this is my last chance to play with you, after all," he said. "Maeve's orders."

"What? Finally going to kill us?" she asked lazily.

"No," he added with a grin. "Turn you. This is just...practice. The transition goes more smoothly when you're weak."

Turn them. She felt a tremor race down her spine. It felt worse than death.

Another brush of the knife along her right arm. "Why don't we see what else we can try?" he said.

He withdrew to where a rack stood, metal weapons gleaming. His fingers trailed over other knives, small or large, some curved. Smaller tools that looked like corkscrews.

His fingers brushed a leather coated whip, and she tensed. She tried to relax, but he'd already spotted her reaction.

"Ah, there it is," he said. He lifted the whip off the rack.

Aelin didn't trust herself to respond. Any remarks died on her lips as sheer terror took over.

Cairn stalked over and lifted his weapon of choice.

And brought it down upon her back.

Fenrys sighed. His head was resting against the wall, while he worked his bruised jaw. The Valg had taken turns throwing punches every day, before dumping him right back in the cell.

No one seemed to pay him much attention. Not when they had the 'Galathynius princess' here. Every time he heard the guards murmur something about her, his heart picked up.

He hadn't seen Aelin since they got here. Not once. And it had been over a week, if his count was correct. Gods only know where she was or what they were doing.

Fen thought about Connal, probably losing his mind. He thought of his friends and family. He thought of Aelin. Every damn second, like an endless loop in his brain.

Heels clicking brought his attention to the door.

He scowled as Maeve came into view between the bars of his cell.

"Why, hello," the woman drawled. Her fingers curled around the bar, nails gleaming red. "How's your stay been so far?"

"Lovely," he gritted out between his teeth. "Now, where the fuck is Aelin?"

"Manners," she clucked her tongue, as if reprimanding a child. "She's...occupied. It's no matter. You'll see her soon enough. For the last time, that is."

His blood ran cold.

Maeve only laughed. "Don't fret. Killing you is boring. You'll be my soldiers, the way it was always intended. Although I'll admit, Aelin was my main goal. You're simply a bonus."

Fen only shook his head.

"As soon as we're done, I'll have you carry over a little message for Rhoe," she said. A smirk tilted at her lips as she observed him, eyes roaming over him in a way that left his skin crawling.

"Enjoy the time you have left," Maeve finished, before strolling away.

Fen let his gaze drop to the floor as the sound of heels faded into silence. He doesn't know how long he sat there, swimming in his thoughts.

Eventually, more footsteps sounded and the door creaked open. He lifted his head warily. But instead of the usual guards, there was a different set. And they carried a limp body between them.

Fen immediately reached towards her, but the chain linked to the wall halted him. His mouth had gone dry.

Her blonde hair was soaked in blood. As were her jeans. She was swaying unsteadily between the guards, head lolling towards the ground.

Harshly, the guards shoved her to her knees. The cuffs around her wrists and angle jangled as she fell.

The guards filed out, the door shutting behind them.

When they were out, Aelin's head lifted for the first time. Her eyes were somewhat glassy and dull, but she sent him a weak smile. "Hey, Fen," she rasped.

"What did they do to you?" he breathed.

She shuffled over, and he instantly moved to help.

Fen opened his arms, allowing her to tuck her head beneath his chin. His hands gingerly came up to caress her hair, avoiding her ruined back. His gaze scanned the wounds, recognizing them with a sinking feeling. Gods.

She'd been whipped. Again. More scars to overlay the old ones on her skin.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Without moving her head from his shoulder, she nodded. "You?"

"Yeah. Maeve said..."

"...that they're going to try and brainwash us, I know."

"I won't let it happen. It can't happen. And the others, I mean they're looking for us, right?"

"They'll find us," Aelin said. She lifted her head to peer up at him as she reassured him. Determination flickered through her eyes, even as she winced in pain at every slight movement. "And in the meantime," she added with a slight smirk. "Let's raise some hell."

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