ix. fancy seeing you here

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Aelin slipped on one of the dresses Vaughan had picked out for her. It was short and a deep red. She hesitated, before grabbing one of her knives and sliding it into her thigh holster.

A knock sounded at the door, and Fenrys peeked his head in. "Ready?"

"Sure. Let's go," she answered.

They left the house, glancing back at the quiet manor as they did. Aedion and Rhoe had left on a business trip over the weekend. Another situation in which they'd suddenly become awfully vague and cryptic about their job.

Aelin tried to needle Fen and Con for information, but they'd immediately acted uncomfortable and been tight lipped. So, she shrugged it off and got dressed for the party.

She drove them there, listening to Fenrys' instructions.

"Whose house is this even at?" she asked, glancing around at the neighborhood. It was nice. The houses seemed lush and neat.

"Dorian's," Fenrys answered.

Aelin glanced back in surprise. "Dorian's?"

Fen nodded and told her to turn right. She did, and they pulled up to a large house swarming with kids.

As the trio clambered out of the car, Aelin surveyed the scene. Fenrys tugged her impatiently towards the house, and they made their way in.

The music was turned up till it vibrated in her bones. The room was a crowded sea of people, which she and the twins wove through.

"Drink?" Fenrys asked Connal, over the din of the party.

Connal shook his head. "Someone has to keep an eye on you."

Fenrys then turned to Aelin in question, but she shook her head. It wasn't that she never drank, but she would rather be sober here.

He nodded. "That's probably for the best. Aedion would kill me if he knew I let you drink. Like, actually murder me."

She raised a brow at him. "Then why offer?"

He shrugged and turned to enter the kitchen.

Aelin followed after him, mostly talking to Connal and watching from the sidelines as Fenrys got progressively more drunk.

At some point, Aelin ran into Lysandra and Dorian, leaving Connal to babysit his twin. Lys dragged her out to dance, although there wasn't room to do anything other than sway against each other.

Even without the haze of a drink, Aelin found herself laughing and stumbling over her feet as they finally left the dance floor.

Later in the night, Aelin told Lys she had to go to the bathroom, to which her friend nodded and grabbed her hand. She pulled Aelin up the stairs, where even more people were congregated, and pointed to a bathroom.

"Over there," she said.

Aelin nodded in thanks and went inside.

When she emerged a few minutes later, however, Lys was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she saw the dark silhouette of a guy leaning against the rail.

She brushed past him, freezing when a hand fell on her wrist. The man shifted towards her, his face becoming more apparent.

"Archer?" she asked.

"Lillian," he said. "Fancy seeing you here." His casual grin was, as always, plastered across his face.

She tried to tug his hand away, but it remained tight around her wrist. Aelin raised a brow at him. "Mind letting me go?"

He didn't move.

Aelin kept her face neutral as she met his eyes. Did he know who she was? That she worked for Arobynn? Why was he even here? Her hand drifted momentarily to her knife, before she moved it again. She couldn't use it on him, especially not here. She could take him down without a weapon if needed.

He still said nothing. He cocked his head at her, still smiling.

Aelin was just about to grab his arm and twist it back, when someone else did it for her. She got a glimpse of tanned skin and silver hair as Rowan shoved Archer's hand off her.

Archer stumbled, glancing back in surprise. He held his hands in surrender. "Is there a problem? Can't I talk to a friend?"

Rowan bared his teeth at him. Archer paled slightly, but quickly regained his composure. "Never mind," he said, grin returning. "I'll see you later, doll," he called to Aelin, before turning and sauntering out.

Aelin avoided Rowan's gaze, staring at the floor instead. She was about to say something, when he interrupted, "clearly the party princess is back at it, again."

Ire flickered in her. She met his eyes and snapped, "you're here too, aren't you? Who are you to judge?"

He scowled at her. "I'm here because Connal texted me for help dragging Fenrys back home. They couldn't find you, so I came looking." His expression darkened. "Good thing I did."

Aelin blinked in surprise. "I could have handled it," she said, but her voice was almost a whisper.

Rowan watched her carefully, as if analyzing her. "Do you know him?"

"No," she lied.

His gaze continued to pick her apart. She tried to stand up straighter. "Should we go then?"

He nodded. They made their way downstairs, before running into Lys. She apologized about a dozen times in a quick rush for leaving, but Aelin sent her a light smile.

"It's fine. We're just going home now."

Lys' gaze flicked from Aelin to Rowan, towering over her. She nodded. "Okay. Text me when you're home."

Aelin nodded. She wove through the crowd and out the door, breathing a sigh of relief as the noise dwindled behind her. The air was cold and fresh out here, nothing like the heat of people crammed together in one room.

Rowan walked silently behind her. As the car came into sight, Aelin softly said, "thanks."

She then climbed into the car without another word.

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