xlvi. just kiss me

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"Found this one sneaking in, boss," one of the guards said. "He said he knew you?"

"Well not him," the curly haired man rambled. "But someone. Also you didn't have to manhandle me," he said in indignation.

Vaughan sent the guard a brief nod. His gun was already in his hand as he examined the stranger standing in their office. Aedion sat behind the desk, his eyes wary as well.

After their home was attacked by the Valg weeks ago, any breach in security was taken seriously. Even this man who appeared unarmed and had a sheepish grin on his face.

"Really, please don't kill me. I'm friends with Aelin, but she's literally not answering my calls," he waved his phone. The guard yanked it from his hand and tossed it to Vaughan, who caught it swiftly.

Aelin's friend? Vaughan kept his face neutral as he exchanged a glance with Aedion. He checked the phone and found that it was indeed Aelin's number the man had in his contacts.

"I also know-"

The man was interrupted by the door opening. In strolled the twins, Fenrys with a grin and Con with a nervous frown.

Connal's gaze went straight to the stranger and brightened with relief. Interesting. "Let him go," he said. "It's just Nox."

Nox straightened and beamed at Con. "Just the man I was looking for!"

The guard sent Vaughan a questioning glance.

Vaughan nodded and said, "You're free to leave." He tucked the gun away, shoulders finally dropping. Nox, why was the name familiar?

Con shoved the man's shoulder lightly, before saying, "why didn't you text me or something before sneaking in?"

"I wanted to surprise you!" Nox said.

Aedion cleared his throat, seeming slightly baffled. "Who are you exactly?"

It was Fenrys who explained that Nox was an old friend of Aelin's, the same one who helped them with the Ironteeth Witches. Also the same one who Aelin had ventured into the sewers with one night.

Vaughan cast Aedion a sidelong glance, already expecting irritation at the reminder of the 'sewer adventure.' He still remembered Con asking him to track Aelin's location, and the subsequent arguments when Aedion found out the next morning. Sure enough, Aedion clenched his jaw before sighing.

"Then I suppose we should thank you for your help," Vaughan said. He didn't miss the way Connal and Nox were gravitating towards each other, or the sly looks Fenrys was sending them. A grin played on his lips as he added, "sorry for earlier."

Nox shrugged sheepishly. "Uh, yeah. No worries."

Vaughan's grin remained as Nox and the twins filed out. Maybe later he would see what information he could pry out of Connal about his 'friendship' with Nox.

For now, he turned to Aedion with a raised eyebrow. "Back to work?"

Connal shut the door to his room and sighed. Nox dove onto his bed, sprawled out with his arms behind his head.

"What if the guards had shot you, Nox? Are you fucking stupid?" Con demanded.

Nox's grin faltered. "Sorry. I've never been caught before."

He sighed in exasperation. Really, Nox and Aelin had the same easy arrogance when it came to their skills. It made them infuriatingly reckless. Much to everyone else's dismay.

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