lxix. born ready

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Aelin strapped her gun into a holster. She added her favorite thin daggers to sheaths hanging from her waist.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and she turned her head slightly to see Rowan approach. A grin slipped across her face as he sidled behind her, hands on her waist.

He lowered his head till his lips were in line with her ear. "Ready, fireheart?"

She hummed and leaned back into his chest. "Born ready. Time to take the bitch down for good."

Aelin glanced around her, noting the people Rhoe had assigned to their group. Several familiar faces looked grimly back at her, including Marta. The woman who had come to pick her up the day Arobynn died, the day that started this all.

"Ready?" she asked.

Everyone nodded. They were at yet another Valg compound, each as immaculately hidden as the last. This one hadn't been on their radar at all, until they'd started getting information from the Valg they'd cured.

The information, paired with tracking the movements of the remaining Valg helped them piece things together. This was where Maeve was hiding. This was where they'd end things.

Her and Rowan led the group towards their wing, on the south side of the building.

One of the men crouched to face the keypad by the door, his fingers nimble as he typed in the code.

Once inside, they barely made it ten feet before encountering Valg. Instant mayhem, as the sounds of gunshots rang out from all directions. Aelin and Rowan remained back to back as they fought.

Slowly the group made their way in. Vaughan was updating her on the earpiece the whole time about where the others were.

After another ten minutes of fighting, they encountered another group of soldiers, this one far outnumbering them. Nearly fifteen of them surrounded the entryway to the hallway.

Most of them were soon on the ground, though they avoided making any fatal shots. Aim to wound only, then they'd sweep the place with the cures.

When there were only a few left, Aelin heard two distinct shots. Aelin whirled her head to see Marta fall with blood pouring out of her thigh. She crouched beside her, meeting her eyes, while Rowan took out the shooter.

"Go," Marta muttered.

Another group member crouched beside them, nodding to Aelin. "I'll stay with them. You two, go."

More Valg soldiers began to swarm the area, but their remaining group members had already started fending them off. Aelin and Rowan slipped off when they could. Looks like it'd just be them for the next part.

As they kept going, they encountered smaller groups of Valg.

Aelin was methodical as she fired shots, operating on muscle memory. It had become second nature to her after living with her family. Before, Aelin was more used to pit fights. One on one, with only hands and illegal daggers people smuggled in.

But Arobynn had trained her well. For anything. She was almost grateful. Emphasis on almost.

Rowan was back to back with her, his presence a steady reminder of what she was here to do.

The Valg soldiers around them crumpled. As the last soldier fell, her and Rowan continued on their way.

Vaughan's voice crackled over her earpiece. "Hey Ace," he said. "Basement level A. Take the stairs closest to you on the right."

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