xii. what's got your feathers ruffled?

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With yet another work trip on the line, the whole family (including the cadre, it seems) had driven North to Rhoe's cabin in the woods for the weekend.

It was the size of a small house, almost like her old place, except it was much nicer. Perfectly furnished and with a warm cozy feel to it.

Aelin, by being the last one to visit, had been left the smallest room. There was barely space for more than the bed and desk. With an eye for design, Aelin could appreciate the tiny room. The comforters on the bed were charming forest green that complimented the dark wood frame of the door and desk.

Its only downside was that it was ice cold.

She was currently sitting in bed, hunched over her laptop, and wrapped in the thick blanket for warmth. Her phone was held to her ear, as a voice chattered on the other end.

"I'm totally studying," she said, while rewatching Pride and Prejudice on Netflix. She briefly glanced outside her tiny room to see the vast expanse of forests. Branches rustled with a slight breeze. A draft flooded in, and Aelin questioned if the window even worked.

"Really?" Rhoe asked drily. "Then why do I hear TV in the background?"

"Definitely Fen," she said.

"Uh-huh," her father replied, breaking away from the phone to yell something in the Old Language. Aedion's muffled voice yelled back. "Sorry," he said, returning to the phone. I'll just have to take your word for it, I guess. We'll see you in the morning."

She smiled. "Night."

"Night, fireheart."

Her stomach warmed at the nickname, a flicker of memory striking up. Her mother used to call her that, with her soft, melodic voice.

The call ended with the tone, and Aelin lowered her phone, before returning to the movie. After a few minutes, she turned to her phone and scrolled through her meager contacts list. Lys, Dorian, and a few others were there. But her gaze snagged on a name further down. Rowan Whitethorn, with a bird emoji next to it.

Aelin's fingers hovered over the message icon. She probably shouldn't. But she sent off a quick text anyway.

An hour later, Aelin was sitting outside, legs swinging. The air had started to get colder, leaving her shivering in her coat. Her breaths emerged in a puff of air from her, likely frozen, lips.

Footsteps sounded behind her. She turned and grinned. "Took you long enough."

Rowan slipped his hands into his pockets. "Why are we here?"

"Because I'm bored," she said.

He took a seat beside her. "And since when am I your entertainment, princess?"

"Since now. Be a good court jester, why don't you?"

He sighed.

"What's got your feathers ruffled, buzzard?"

"Buzzard?" he asked incredulously.

"It's the way you pick people apart. Reminds me of a buzzard. Fitting, don't you think?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "If you say so. But what if I only pick at people who deserve that treatment?"

Aelin's eyes narrowed, humor fading away. "Are you suggesting I deserve it? Party princess who takes everything for granted?"

Rowan's gaze found hers, deeper and serious. The atmosphere between them seemed to crackle with tension. "You weren't here for years. You didn't see the way Aedion and Rhoe were torn up about you being missing. You didn't have to deal with the fall out. And it's like you don't even see how you hurt them."

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