xi. because you love me

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"Another trip so soon?" Aelin asked. She sat down atop his desk, watching him rifle through papers.

Aedion sent her a wince. "Sorry, Ace."

"Can't I come with you?" she asked her cousin, trying to catch a glimpse of the files he was grabbing. "I have a Calc test I'd like to avoid."

He smiled. "Not this time. And do you want some advice before I go?"


"-try studying for once."

She scowled at him. "I didn't really want the advice, but whatever." And she did study. For a few minutes and then she got distracted. It had always been enough for her to breeze through classes with solid B's, and it's not like Arobynn ever cared about grades.

Rhoe was a bit more strict, however, and with her classes getting harder...well, studying probably was the best option. Or she could re-read her favorite books for the tenth time.

Aedion, perhaps recognizing her train of thoughts, playfully shook his head. "Why do I bother?"

"Because you love me," she quipped, picking up a frame on his desk. She noticed silence fell across the room, her own breathing stalling as the picture became clear. It was baby Aelin, being cradled by a young, gap-toothed Aedion.

She lifted her head back up to meet Aedion's eyes, the same as hers, swimming with emotion. The ring of gold sparked amidst its sea of turquoise blue.

"I do love you," Aedion said, after a few heartbeats. "And I'm really glad we have you back."

Aelin felt her throat tighten and mist cover her eyes. She opened her mouth-to say it back? She didn't know-but a loud crash sounded outside.

Vaughan poked his head into the office. "Hey, Ace, you coming down? We're watching a movie."

Her eyes darted to Aedion, who grinned at her. "Go on. I'm leaving now, too. Dad's waiting in the car."

The trio made their way downstairs, with Vaughan chatting happily. He waved Aedion goodbye, before heading into the living room.

Aelin, however, followed Aedion outside, wanting to say goodbye to both him and Rhoe. Thunder rumbled distantly, and she noticed the thick rug of rain clouds covering the sky. "You sure you'll be okay in the rain?" she asked.

"We're not taking a plane this time. Just driving an hour or so down."

Their father stepped out of the car. He followed their gazes to the sky. "We're heading in the opposite direction as the storm. We'll be fine."

Rhoe held out his arms for Aelin, who stepped in between them. His arms tightened around her, and she breathed in.

Then she hugged Aedion too, soaking in the moment.

She watched them drive away, an odd feeling swirling in her chest. Maybe it was because they'd just come back from a trip, but she felt like she already missed them. Missed having that bit of family around.

Aelin turned to go back into the house as thunder rumbled again. Once inside, she found Vaughan and the twins already on the couch.

Vaughan seemed to notice her crestfallen glance, for he reluctantly parted with a box of chocolates he'd acquired.

"For you," he said. "But I'm giving you chocolates, so you can't steal all the popcorn."

She sent him a slight smirk, before grabbing a handful of popcorn.

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