lxiii. burn it all

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Where was she?

Instead of cold damp metal, her face was pressed against something soft and fluffy. She blinked, her vision obscured by white. A figure crouched before her, and Aelin flinched backward.

Before she could scramble up, a hand was placed soothingly on her shoulder.

"Aelin," the voice said. As she blinked again, she noticed the familiar features staring back at her.

A cool stinging feeling swept across her back and she hissed.

"Sorry," another voice said. Aelin craned her neck to see Yrene. The woman sent her a soft smile, golden hair tied back as she worked. "I'm going to clean your wounds and change these bandages again. Then we can get you up, alright?"

Aelin nodded and simply lowered her face back to the pillow. Her dad hadn't moved an inch, still crouched down so that his face was level with hers. His fingers laced with hers, and she let her eyes flutter closed.

Yrene was quick in finishing up her cleaning, ending with a cold salve that made Aelin shiver. But it did numb the pain there so that it felt marginally better by the time the bandages were wrapped again.

Afterwards, they helped Aelin sit up and lean against the back of the bed in their medical room. The pressure made her wounds hurt a bit more, but at least the pillows behind her back were soft.

Rhoe hovered near her, staring as if he expected her to disappear again.

"Have some water," he said.

She let him tilt the glass to her lips. The water slid down her throat, cold and refreshing. She hadn't realized just how parched she'd been.

Aelin swallowed, before attempting to speak. "Where's Fen?"

Her dad ran a hand through her hair and he settled on her right. "He's alright. He's sleeping in Connal's room. You can see him in a bit."

She nodded.

"I'll let the others know," Yrene said.

"Thank you," Aelin murmured. Yrene sent her another smile, a comforting presence, then she was gone.

"I'm so sorry, fireheart," her dad said. She shook her head, trying to avoid the inevitable tears. Her face was now buried in his shoulders, his hands still stroking her hair.

Aelin didn't move as the door opened and more footsteps sounded. A weight settled on her other side.

She eventually glanced up to see Aedion watching her. He held out an arm and she shifted her weight, so that she was pressed to his side. Her hands were still laced with her dad's.

For the first time in a while, Aelin felt warm.

"I love you," Aedion said softly.

"I love you both," she whispered back.

Then, with a light smile and a gentle nudge, Aedion said, "you're going to give me gray hairs, you know."

She huffed a laugh, while their dad watched them in amusement.

"If anyone's getting gray hairs, it's me, son," Rhoe told Aedion.

By now, two more figures arrived at the door. For a second, her heart fell as she noticed who was missing. But she quickly brightened at the sight.

Vaghan sent her an infectious grin, before striding over to place a kiss to her forehead. He leaned over Aedion to do so, and before he could be stopped, he pressed a kiss to Aedion's forehead too.

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