iii. pleasure is all mine

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Dinner was not off to a good start. No one knew what to say. Aedion and Rhoe glanced at her almost expectantly.

Aedion cleared his throat. "I'm sure you have lots of questions. You're free to ask them."

Aelin took a sip of water. For the love of-

"How old are you," Aelin asked, glancing curiously at Aedion.

He smiled. "I'm 24."

That would make him 7 years older than Aelin. She tried to wrack her brain for memories of him, but found only hazy images of being chased across a sunny lawn.

Aelin glanced up to find Aedion still looking at her. She took in the finery surrounding them. "And what exactly is it that you do?"

Aedion froze, and Rhoe sent him a warning glance. "We're in business. Boring stuff, really, you wouldn't care."

Internally, Aelin scoffed. Business is exactly what Arobynn said to describe what he did. Basically, it was code for sketchy underhanded dealings.

Externally, she smiled sweetly. What the hell did I get myself into?

"Is there anything you like to do," asked Aedion. "Hobbies and such..."

"I like reading," Aelin said. "And dancing, a bit."

Rhoe gave her a rueful smile. "Your mother loved to dance. She always surrounded us with music. Never a quiet moment."

There was a bit of a pause while Aelin fumbled for words. "I'm sorry," she finally said, softly. "She sounds lovely."

"She was," Rhoe said. "I'm sorry as well, for your...foster father. Regardless of the circumstances, that can't have been an easy change. Marta told me you were with him a long time."

Aelin simply nodded. "Marta told you."

"Marta's a family friend," Rhoe explained. "She called us when she found you."

One question answered, Aelin though. Marta was a friend of the family and had likely known Evalin.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful. They traded small questions like that, conversation slowly fizzling out. Rhoe and Aedion's disappointment seemed palpable in the air, which only made Aelin more uncomfortable.

"I'm sure it's been a long day. Aedion can walk you back to your room," Rhoe offered.

Aelin agreed, and her and Aedion left the dinner table.

They reached her room, and Aelin paused at the door. "Thanks," she said, her hand reaching for her locket.

"Of course. Call me if you need anything." His gaze drifted to her locket, and she let go, but he didn't say anything more. Just flashed her a smile, ruffled her hair after a beat of hesitation, and walked down the hallway.

Aelin turned and entered her room, shutting the door behind her. She changed into a pale pink tanktop and shorts. She didn't own any nightwear, although she had a fondness for lacy nightgowns and lingerie, which she used to taunt Sam with.

Thoughts of Sam made her heart clench.

She fell into her bed, cloudy soft under her back littered with scars. Curling under the blankets, she fell asleep to the sound of her own heartbeat slowing to a calm. The calm didn't last however, as honey brown eyes and steel gray ones chased into nightmare after nightmare.

She could hear Aedion and Rhoe talking in the living room, their voices loud but indistinct. Conversation lulled when she walked in, but both men turned to her with warm smiles.

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