xlv. speechless, buzzard?

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"Red or black?" Aelin asked.

Lys glanced up from her phone, sprawled across her bed. She hummed in consideration, before saying, "red."

Aelin disappeared into the bathroom to don the dress. "Anything else?" she asked, once she emerged.

Lys smirked at her. "What are you wearing underneath?"

"Lys!" Aelin said, a laugh bubbling out. "I meant, like, shoes."

"You can borrow a pair from me. I have nude heels that'll match the dress. I'll do your makeup too," she said.

"You are far too excited about this."

"Someone has to be!"

Aelin couldn't hide her grin at the brunette's excitement. Today, Aelin was going out on a date with Rowan. Their first official one yet.

Truth be told, sometimes she wondered if it would be easier to cease the sneaking around with Rowan. Most of the cadre already suspected that they were together...it was only Aedion and her father's response she was really worried about.

But things were strange and new and she'd rather keep it between her and Rowan for a while longer. And Lys, mostly because her friend had pried the information out of her. Plus, Lys was her excuse for why she'd be out all night.

Lys dug out the pair of heels from her closet, then tugged Aelin towards the dresser. Swiftly, Lys drew atop Aelin's eye with eyeliner. The dark wing accentuated her eye shape and the bright shades of blue and gold that shimmered within her iris. Then she handed her a deep shade of lipstick.

At Aelin's neck, as always, was Sam's locket and the 'fireheart' necklace Rowan had gifted her. One atop the other.

It was nearly six o'clock when Aelin slid on the nude heels, touched up her hair one last time, and waved her friend goodbye.

Rowan was awaiting her outside, leaning against the car. His gaze flicked upwards to the window where Lys was not-so-discreetly watching them from with a smirk. As his gaze fell down to Aelin, the expression faded. His lips parted as he watched her, and Aelin sent him a quick grin.

"Speechless, buzzard?"

"Always when I'm with you," he murmured, reaching out to pull her in by her waist.

"Liar," she teased. She looked him over appreciatively, then said, "let's get going."

Dinner had been going well. The restaurant was rather fancy, the decorations inside ornate and everything was in shades of deep greens and golds.

The food was alright as well...if too healthy for Aelin's tastes. She scowled at the abundance of vegetables in her pasta with a vengeance.

Rowan chuckled across from her. "What did it ever do to you?"

"Existed," she deadpanned. She took a bite, pleasantly surprised at the flavor. Before she could say anything Rowan's fork swooped towards her plate. She only gaped at him as he took a bite and nodded to himself.

"Not bad," he muttered.

"How dare you?" she asked.

"Right, I forgot you don't share food, princess," he said. A smirk tugged at his lips as he tried to rile her up.

"Exactly right, you asshole."


"Bastard." A smile tugged at her lips involuntarily, and Rowan mirrored her. The two were laughing before they knew it. Aelin watched Rowan's pine green eyes sparkle with mirth. "What possessed you to even ask me out on a date?"

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