liv. no sappy speeches

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Rowan couldn't help but admire Aelin, as she sat in the corner of his room, laughing with Sellene.

The two were far too similar not to get along.

He was no longer resting in the room where Yrene had patched him up. Instead, he'd been moved to the guest room he usually occupied. Although, as of late, he'd spent more nights in Aelin's room.

This room was similarly decorated to his own at home. The furniture was all dark wood, while the comforters, curtains, and rug offered accents of pine green.

His aunt was sitting by his bedside, chiming into the girls' conversation. Even if they'd met at the wrong time, he was glad to see all three interact so easily.

"We should definitely do that!" Sellene cheered. "And have a girl's day. No Rowans allowed."

He scowled, and his aunt ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, hun. While the girls hang out, you can hang out with me. We could make dinner!" she suggested.

Rowan shook his head hurriedly. "There's no need for that," he rushed, already thinking of the last time his aunt cooked. It was a disaster, even with him trying to calm the flames.

"You don't want to spend time with me?" she said, a palm pressed to her chest.

So they all knew where Sellene got her penchant for drama.

"Of course I do, auntie...but let's avoid the kitchen," he mollified her.

She only frowned. "What's wrong with my cooking?"

"Mum," Sellene said in exasperation, "last time you tried, you burned the pasta and set a wooden spoon on fire."

Burned the pasta, Aelin mouthed to him. How?

I don't know, he mouthed back.

"Oh well, I suppose there's a reason your father is the one that cooks," his aunt muttered. "Speaking of," she turned to Rowan, "your uncle and Enda are still out of town, but they're thinking of coming back."

"Tell them not to, auntie. I'll be fine in a few days," he told her.

She agreed, but only after sending him a stern glance. "You're staying home for a few days, right? Nothing dangerous?"

"Nothing dangerous," he said.

Aelin raised her brows at him. Nothing, huh buzzard?

Stop it, he urged. With the threat of the Valg looming over them, he'd be damned if he just stayed out of trouble. If they had to fight, he'd fight.

But he figured he wouldn't needlessly worry his aunt.

After a while, Lorcan and Vaughan padded in. Aelin stood up to give them space and suggested that they get some food, slyly adding, "you can tell me embarrassing stories about Rowan."

Sellene clapped her hands gleefully, and even his aunt smiled. "Well, we should start with the early years, shouldn't we?"

The trio left the room, as Rowan shook his head.

His friends sat down on his bed. Vaughan took Rowan's left side, while Lorcan took his right.

"Did you find anything?" he asked Vaughan.

They exchanged a glance over Rowan's head.

"Nothing on Maeve," Vaughan said. "But we found information on Erawan. Everything checks out. He's a scientist, got a scholarship to a really good school despite being a bit of a delinquent, then up and vanished one day."

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