x. let's run away together

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It started with a failed mission. Failed, in Arobynn's eyes at least.

They'd been sent to do a job for him, which Celaena later discovered involved human trafficking. She'd surveyed the large cages with a sinking feeling in her stomach, a combination of dread and disgust. Would Arobynn really go this far?

"Yes," Sam said, as if reading her mind. "He would."

It had been Celaena's idea to free them, an elaborate plan involving some distraction and some stealing. A bar fight, two commandeered ships, and some gunfire later, the people were being set free and the FBI anonymously notified.

But Arobynn had been less than pleased. So much so that he'd beaten her black and blue in his office, her blood staining his elegant and expensive carpet.

Two of Arobynn's men had to hold Sam back, while he shouted, "I'll kill you," to Arobynn. Over and over.

In the weeks after, they got closer than ever before. And there was an immovable wedge between her and Arobynn, a gaping chasm that she feared would swallow her whole.

"Let's run away together," he said.

She frowned at him. "He'd catch us. We don't have money."

"One last time," Sam told her. "One last fight, and then we'll take the money and leave. We don't owe him anything."

Celaena met his honeyed eyes and nodded. "We'll leave. We'll be together."

No word from Sam. She'd wanted to come along to his fight, but he insisted she stay home.

"I'll come find you afterwards," he'd said. He'd kissed her forehead, smoothing out the crease between her brows from worry. "Relax. I got this."

She sat on the couch that night, listening to the clock tick. Each tick, each second that passed, was another in which Sam didn't return. A second in which her worry snowballed in her stomach.

The door opened with a click. Celaena stood hurriedly, glancing at the door. The figure who walked through wasn't Sam at all, but Arobynn.

His gray eyes were unreadable. He ran a hand through his already messy auburn hair.

"What happened?" she asked. Her stomach twisted.

"Celaena," he answered. She hated the melodic sound of her name from his lips. Sometimes amused, sometimes angry, and this time somber.

Celaena didn't understand, but shook her head anyway. "What happened?"

A paper thin sigh.

Celaena took off the white sheet. She found pale skin and rumpled brown curls staring back at her.

She felt herself break, falling onto the iron table with a sob. "I'm sorry," she said, over and over again to him.

Arobynn said something from behind her, but his voice was muted. He spoke louder, and she snarled at him to leave.

She turned back to Sam, barely noticing the silent click of the door as Arobynn left, and succumbed to tears.

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