xxxii. my money's on ace

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It was far too early to be willingly awake.

Aelin trudged into the training room, clad in sweatpants and a sports bra. The scars lining her back were bared for once, but she was still half asleep and couldn't bring herself to care. Even as several sets of eyes landed on them.

Vaughan and the twins had sad looks upon seeing them. Aedion's and her father's expressions were more akin to guilt. And Rowan's...he met her gaze head on. There was never pity from him, only understanding.

She met his eyes from across the room and that unbridled look of understanding nearly swept her to her feet. Like he saw her and wasn't afraid

Aelin tore her gaze away from him as a yawn tipped out of her lips.

"Why are we here?" she mumbled.

"Training," Aedion said. "We've been upping everyone else's after the last...incident, and we thought you'd like to join."

"Yeah, yeah, that's great. But here's a thought, couldn't we do this later? Not at 5 in the goddamned morning."

Aedion shrugged unapologetically. "Best time to get everyone together." A slight gleam entered his eyes, "in line everyone."

Aelin sighed and stepped up to stand between Lorcan and Fenrys.

"Interrupted my beauty sleep for this," Fenrys mumbled.

Aelin smirked. "Don't worry, Fen. You're still pretty. Salvaterre on the other hand..."

Lorcan shot them a glare, but didn't say anything.

Aedion began the training session with some warm ups and basic exercises. He had all the quiet glee of a drill sergeant as he barked at them to keep moving.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him halfway through a set of pushups. Instead, she and Fenrys whispered amongst themselves and snickered. Lorcan made one snide comment on their other side, and both of them couldn't contain their laughter.

Aedion scolded them, and Rowan's lips twitched while he watched.

She raised an eyebrow, tuning out Aedion's voice. Something funny, buzzard?

Just you always getting into trouble, he said.

Aelin snapped back to attention when Aedion cleared his throat. "Alright. Time for the real tests. Who wants to go first?"

"Me," Fenrys said. "You up for this, Lor?"

"Up for beating your ass? Always."

Aelin watched with interest as the two stepped into the center of the room. The fight began with Fenrys taking the offense. Lorcan dodged his blows with a surprising level of grace for his height.

It didn't take long for Lorcan to get the upper hand however, and the fight ended. Fenrys groaned as he trudged back, and Lorcan simply wore a smug look.

"Connal and Aelin," Aedion said next.

She shrugged and glanced at the dark haired twin.

They both moved towards the center. From behind them, Fenrys said, "my money's on Ace."

Con grinned, unaffected. "How little faith you have in me."

"Don't worry, Con. I'll bet on you," Vaughan called.

"I wouldn't bet too much," Aelin said drily. Any earlier tiredness had vanished from her limbs. She hadn't fought in a while, having been avoiding the Guild. Something about the thrill of the fight awakening the adrenaline in her veins.

She faced Connal once in the center of the room. When the fight began, the two began to circle one another. Aelin waited a bit before making her first move, swinging out with her right fist.

Connal dodged and ducked away. His style of fighting was distinctly different from Fenrys', true to their personalities. Con took the defensive positions. His eyes analyzed her movements to search for weaknesses.

So she gave him some. She favored her right hand and leg as she toyed with him. Eventually, he started to fight back in earnest.

He aimed a punch towards her, which she dodged. He slunk towards her left, but did not expect her to sweep out her left leg and knock his feet out from under him. Connal fell to the ground with a thump, and Aelin was there instantly with a dagger in hand to place at his throat.

"You brought a knife?" he asked incredulously, once she'd moved away and let him sit up.

Aelin said, "gotta be prepared."

Fen cheered from the sidelines. "Pay up, Vaughan."

"That was good, fireheart," Rhoe added, from where he'd been observing. A distinct glimmer of pride shone in his eyes which made Aelin's soul hum.

Rowan stepped up towards her. "It was a bit boring. Why don't we see what Adarlan's Assassin is capable of?"

"Is that a challenge, Whitethorn?"

"If you want it to be."

"You're on," she said. He took a couple long strides to the center where she stood, while everyone watched.

"My money's on....fuck, who do I bet on?" Fenrys mumbled.

"Don't bet at all," Aedion scolded.

"Where's the fun in that?"

Aelin tuned Fenrys out as her eyes met pine green. Rowan stopped inches away from, and she peered up at him.

"Okay," Aedion's voice echoed. "Begin."

They settled into fighting stances. Aelin knew Rowan had an upper hand, having seen her fight before. She had no real idea how he fought.

She made the first move, a quick jab which he blocked. After a couple more blows, he began to advance on her. Every hit was met with a dodge and a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

Neither of them managed to land any hits, the two a whirlwind of moving limbs.

Aelin felt a trickle of sweat bead up on her temple. Rowan was certainly a better opponent than most she'd fought at the Guild. Not that she'd let him know that.

"Tired?" he asked under his breath, as she ducked under another of his blows. "I expected more of you."

She grinned. "Better men than you have tried to best me, Whitethorn." Years of fighting at the Vault's at Arobynn's orders had ingrained a fierce survival instinct in her. She'd do whatever it takes to win, because she wouldn't walk out of a fight otherwise. Not unscathed.

The people there had been monsters. So she'd become their match.

For a second, Aelin felt her attention waver and a sharp blow sent her head jerking back. She righted herself and swung out with her left leg. It met Rowan's stomach squarely.

He stumbled back, but Aelin had already launched herself forward. The two tumbled to the ground, Aelin's dagger placed swiftly at his neck.

"I win," she breathed.

Rowan only stared up at her with an unreadable expression. "This time, princess."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, buzzard."

Cheers from the sidelines interrupted their hushed conversation, and startled Aelin out of the moment. She stood up smoothly and took a step back, feeling the distance between her and Rowan keenly.

"That was great!" Fenrys said. He strode over and slung an arm over Aelin's shoulder, leading her away. "We done, boss man?" he directed to Aedion.

"Yeah, get lost," Aedion said. Rhoe nodded his agreement beside him, and Fenrys continued dragging Aelin out of the room.

All the while, she could feel Rowan's lingering stare on her back.

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