lvi. following me?

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Lorcan watched as Elide slipped away from the group. Aelin, Lys, and Nehemia were dancing with abandon in the field, while the others were engaged in conversation.

Dorian stood to whisper something in Elide's ear, but she shook her head and waved him off. He took a seat again, but Lorcan's eyes stayed fixed on Elide as she walked further from the crowd.

He hesitated, before following after her with a good distance between them.

She left the field, diving into the woods without hesitation. Here, the flickering light of flames died out behind them, obscured by the thick foliage. The branches were all dark silhouettes, the leaves on them in shadowy greens that rustled ominously.

A brush of movement drew his attention towards his right. His gaze settled on a weeping willow, its branches drooping downward in sheaths of tumbling leaves. When he tried to catch a glimpse of Elide again, she was gone.

His heart stuttered for a moment, searching for where she could have vanished.

"Following me?" a cool voice cut through the night.

He turned to find her standing behind him, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. His heart thudded in his chest for a completely different reason this time.

"Maybe," he muttered.

She sent him a slight smile, before turning on her heel towards the willow. When he didn't move, she stopped and sent him a questioning glance over her shoulder, "you coming?"

His feet finally started into motion and brought him closer to the tree. El brushed the long branches aside, before disappearing into it. Lorcan gently repeated her actions and ducked his head to slip in.

The branches fell closed behind him like curtains.

It was peaceful inside, an extra layer between them and the hum of the forest and the sounds of the party beyond it.

Elide clambered over the roots of the tree, and he watched to make sure her bad ankle didn't get caught. She settled down between two large roots, forming a sort of seat that cradled her.

"I found this place when I was younger. I've loved coming here ever since," she told him. "And I could avoid my Uncle," she added drily.

Lorcan settled beside her. He only knew a little of her tumultuous past: her parents passing away, then her time with her lousy Uncle. It was something he related to on some level, the loss, the lack of anyone to count on.

Until he'd met Rhoe at least, but even knowing that there were people willing to help him, it was rare for him to accept that help.

"It's nice here," he admitted. Nicer than the party, though that wasn't much of an accomplishment.

"Thank you," she said simply. She didn't face him as she stretched her legs out, the edge of her silk skirt riding up towards her knee.

They sat in comfortable silence, and Lorcan tilted his head back to rest it against the tree. Perhaps Lorcan would enjoy the night after all.

Everyone had gone their separate ways. Dorian and Chaol left to find Lys and meet some of their other friends, then Nox dragged Connal up to dance.

And all of a sudden, it was just him and Nehemia.

He examined her for a moment, her dark skin glowing with the light of flames. The gold bands adorning her bare arms glinted and trailed up towards her shoulders, where the capped sleeves of her dress rested. The dress was in traditional Eyllwe print, the bright yellow and orange complimenting her skin.

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