vii. trouble? me? never

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The next week brought the start of something new - school.

Aelin sat in the back seat, her feet tapping distractedly as she stared out the window. Fenrys sat beside her, with Connal in the passenger seat, and none other than Rowan Whitethorn driving.

Rowan was one among the cadre (Aelin's new nickname for them) who she had yet to truly talk to. She wasn't complaining. It seemed all he was good for was being a grumpy asshole who clearly didn't like her.

In fact, that morning, he'd taken one look at her and scowled.

The car pulled up to the school in one piece. At least, Rowan was a better driver than Vaughan, she thought gratefully.

The sign outside read Orynth High. Students swarmed in and out of the doors, and Aelin was struck with the fact that it was...bigger than she expected. Nonetheless, she strode out with confidence, or some semblance of it.

Rowan, upon sensing her hesitation, smirked and got back in the car. While Aelin and the twins were in their senior year, Rowan had graduated last year. As he left, Fenrys wrapped an arm around Aelin's shoulders. "Don't worry, Ace. I got your back."

They entered the school, chatter filling the halls. A few people sent glances or waves Fenrys' way, and as a result, some of the attention went to Aelin tucked at his side. Perhaps, the wrong kind of attention, but she ignored it.

"You have your schedule, right?" Fenrys asked, leading her to her locker.

Aelin nodded, pulling out the crumpled paper. "I'll be fine, Fen."

"Alright. Text me if you have issues," he said. "And Aedion says to stay out of trouble."

"Trouble? Me? Never," she said flatly. He chuckled, but perhaps if he knew the truth he wouldn't find it as funny. Aelin wasn't exactly a delinquent, but still had quite the reputation at her old school for...more than a few fights.

Maybe she'd try to go more under the radar here. After all, she didn't think Aedion or her father would be as indifferent to her causing trouble as Arobynn.

She glanced down at her schedule to figure out her first class, before making her way there. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to find and she got into the class with enough time to spare.

She took an empty seat, waiting as people filed in around her. A few people cast glances at her, but since it was only the first day and it was a large school, no one seemed to really pay her much attention.

Someone took a seat next to her, and Aelin looked over to find a black haired boy. He had dark blue eyes and an easy going smile. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

Aelin shook her head. "I suppose not."

"I'm Dorian," he said.


He went a bit still at that. "Ah, you do look like Aedion. You're his cousin, right?"

She nodded, despite being a bit confused.

"I know Aedion," he explained. "And our families are friends, kind of."

"Kind of? Alright, I'm convinced," she deadpanned.

"Havilliard," he said, smiling broadly once more. "Dorian Havilliard. Tell Aedion I said hi."

"I will," Aelin said.

And class began.

She met a few other people, most as friendly as Dorian. A stunning cheerleader with bright green eyes and tousled brown hair. A petite brunette with a quiet, piercing gaze. And a man with brown hair and eyes and a rugged, square jaw.

At lunch, the crew dragged her to their table. She sat among them, Lys and Dorian on either side of her. Elide and Chaol across the table. To her surprise, the twins joined them.

Fenrys turned to Aelin to say, "our table's been boring ever since Rowan and Lorcan graduated. Figure we'd come join you." He then turned to Dorian and began to talk to him animatedly.

Connal just shrugged and stole some of Aelin's goldfish. She scowled at him, but he slid her a piece of cake in a tupperware container. She didn't complain after that. She'd clearly gotten the better deal.

Lys asked, "how are you..adjusting? I mean, me and Aedion haven't talked too much lately, but I heard..."

"It's been fine."

Lys nodded sympathetically. "Rhoe and Aedion really missed you. I mean, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that."

Aelin didn't really know what to say to that. Luckily, Lys changed the conversation to lighter topics and everyone joined in.

When she got home that day, she found Rhoe and Aedion waiting for her in the kitchen. "Hey Ace, how was school?" Aedion asked, noticing her first.

"Pretty good," she said, relieved that it was the truth. "Dorian and Lys say hi, by the way."

Aedion's eyebrows rose. "Oh, that's good. I'm glad you met them."

She nodded in return.

Aedion continued, "let me know if you ever need help with homework or anything."

She raised a brow at her cousin, before teasing, "you sure you're smart enough for that."

He scowled at her. She just laughed as she strode away, but she heard him mumble, "I'm smart," before she was out of earshot.

Aelin was hunched over her book by the time dinner rolled around. There was summer reading for English that she had to make up, apparently, and she had a week to read two books and write the essays for them.

A knock on her open door interrupted her mid chapter. She looked up, expecting her cousin or Fenrys. She didn't expect to see Rowan Whitethorn leaning casually against the door jamb.

"Food's ready," he said gruffly. "Aedion told me to come get you."

"Alright," she answered.

When he didn't move, Aelin let the book fall to her desk and stood up. She strode past him without a word, and he fell in step beside her as they walked downstairs. They didn't talk.

Downstairs, everyone was waiting at the table. Rhoe was at the head, talking softly to Lorcan. Connal and Vaughan were fighting over a bowl of salsa. Aedion was on his phone, and Fenrys waved cheerfully at Aelin as she walked to the empty seat beside him. Rowan sat across from her. Perfect.

Vaughan, upon noticing her, cheered. "Ace! I haven't seen you in forever."

She snorted. "It's been a few days, Vaughan."

"And?" During the conversation, Connal had successfully wrangled the bowl of salsa. Vaughan let out a squawk of protest.

"How dare you?" Vaughan said, placing a hand to his chest.

Connal smirked slowly, the first Aelin had ever seen on him. He scooped up a large amount of the salsa onto a chip, before tauntingly eating. Vaughan gaped at him, before spluttering in disgust.

Everyone looked over at the commotion.

"Rhoe, do something," Vaughan said, turning to Aelin's father with pleading eyes.

Rhoe sighed and got up, returning to the table a minute later with a second bowl. "But don't just eat chips," he said firmly, upon seeing Vaughan's eyes light up. "Eat actual food, too."

"Aye, aye captain," he said, mock saluting.

Aelin snickered and began to eat her dinner.

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