lx. you're a hypocrite

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The house was quiet.

Lorcan was re-watching the security footage from outside the bar. He'd already watched it several times in the last week and a half. All he could make out was grainy film and a shadowy silhouette that darted into the alley.

He sighed and clicked out of the feed.

The halls were empty. He knew where everyone would be. Vaughan and Rhoe in their offices, while Aedion was in his own alongside Rowan and Connal.

Everyone was barely eating, barely sleeping.

Lorcan's footsteps sounded loudly. He thought of the chaos that usually accompanied Aelin and Fenrys. Always laughing with each other or annoying someone else. Chasing each other down halls for stupid reasons.

The silence felt wrong.

He imagined what he'd say to them if- when they were found. Probably a quip about how it was so nice and peaceful without them. Fenrys would place a hand to his chest and gasp, Aelin would roll her eyes or flip him off.

"You know you missed us," they'd say.

It was a moment he replayed in his head often. One he wanted to imagine would come true.

He made his way to Rhoe's office first, passing by with a quick glance. All he could see was a mess, papers scattered, belongings broken, and Rhoe dejectedly at his desk. Vaughan was nearby, at least, sitting opposite Rhoe with an uncharacteristically grim look on his face.

Lorcan kept walking. Aedion's office was just a few doors down. Peering in, he noticed all three in various states of despair. Connal was very clearly trying not to fall asleep, eyes shuttering every now and again.

Aedion was far more awake, though it was probably the combination of whiskey and alcohol replacing the blood in his veins. His blonde hair was rumpled, stubble casting a shadow across his jaw.

Rowan was in a similar state. His hair unkempt, button-down half undone. Stubble around his jaws and bags beneath his eyes. And a haunted look that reminded all of them far too much of Rowan from two years ago. The Rowan that had just lost Lyria and blamed himself, no matter what they said to convince him otherwise.

He let out a thin sigh as he knocked on the doorframe. Three sets of eyes shot to him, and he just shook his head.

"I'll help Aed for a bit," Lorcan offered, exchanging a glance with Aedion.

Aedion nodded, looking at the others warily. "You two should get some rest."

Connal immediately started to protest, but Aedion just held up a hand. He opened his mouth to say something, before a text cut him off. He checked his phone, before muttering, "your boyfriend is here. I'm not listening to any other protests. Go get some sleep."

Lorcan knew Connal was tired from the way he simply rose to his feet and trudged out.

Rowan had remained quiet the whole time.

Aedion sent him a soft look, before saying, "you're no use to anyone if you're going to pass out. Go sleep. I'll wake you in a bit."

His jaw clenched, but he trudged out after Connal.

Lorcan sent Aedion a knowing look, and got a scoff in return.

"You're a hypocrite, you know?" Lorcan said.

"Aren't we all?" Aedion replied.

Connal could not remember the last time he'd gone this long without his twin. Hell, they rarely even spent their days apart.

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