xiv. sleeping bag

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By the next day, the only sign of Aelin's unfortunate encounter with the lake was a stubborn set of sniffles. She explained it away by allergies, and only Rowan seemed concerned by it. He not-so-subtly kept passing her tissues throughout the day.

After dinner, when everyone retreated to the living room, he gave her the warmer spot by the fire. If anyone noticed his new kindness, they didn't comment.

"Man," Fenrys said, from the other couch. Night had fallen steadily outside, leaving the warm glow of the lamps their only light. "I can't wait to get back home. And I thought Orynth was cold. What is this place?"

"Typically," Connal said drily, "it does get colder as one moves North."

Vaughan gasped in fake surprise. "Does it, Oh Wise One?"

Aelin stifled her smile. She listened to the crackling fire, Rowan at her other side.

Lorcan, the only one she rarely ever talked to, sat silently away from the group. Which he always seemed to do when she was around.

A tickling sensation brushed her nose. Rowan was handing her the tissue seconds before the sneeze wracked her body.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

One by one, people went to bed. First Lorcan, then the twins, then Vaughan. Leaving Rowan and Aelin, side by side.

"Tired?" Rowan asked.

She hummed. "You know," she said pointedly, "your room's much warmer than mine."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. But we're getting you a sleeping bag for tomorrow."

Aelin grinned in triumph, and followed him up the stairs. After using the hallway bathroom to get ready for bed, she slipped into Rowan's room.

As she was sliding under the comforters, she murmured, "I don't want your pity, by the way."

"That's not..." he trailed off. "It isn't pity." After a few moments, he asked, "how did it happen?" She knew without asking what he meant.

She rolled over to face him, inches away. Aelin considered. "My foster father...ran with a bad crowd. He wasn't a kind man, he had a lot of enemies. And some of those enemies tried to use me as a way to get back at him."

Aelin didn't mention Arobynn's own hand in her capture or her participation in any of Arobynn's less savory deeds. But she launched into the story of how the men had caught her and chained her up. Once she started, the words spilled out. Fear of the dark, the awful sound of the whip through the frigid air. The coppery tang of blood mixed with metal that chased her through nightmares.

The memories started to crowd in, dark and choking, but the familiar scent of pine and snow kept her tethered to home. Rowan's hand slid out to grasp hers as sleep started to overtake her.

And didn't let go for the rest of the night.

Rhoe and Aedion returned the next morning saying things got delayed, and so the weekend trip was extended. Aelin and the twins were more than willing to miss school, which cued Rhoe's fond exasperation.

Over the next few days, Aelin continued to sneak into Rowan's room at night, searching for warmth. She never did get a sleeping bag.

The rain pattered on the roof of the car as they drove home. Aelin stared out the window, watching the drops streak down the glass and color the world hazy. Her headphones were playing music into her ears.

She was very consciously trying to not pay attention to the man beside her, but her eyes flickered over to him anyway.

Mussed silver hair and pine green eyes that she'd started to grow accustomed to.

In the front seats, Rhoe and Aedion were talking lightly. The others had piled into the second car, leaving Rowan and Aelin in awkward silence. Though it was better than their fighting, which she was sure Aedion was glad for.

As if on cue, Aedion turned to say something. Aelin paused the music, catching the tail end of his sentence.

"-if you're up for it," he said.

"Sure, man," Rowan answered. His eyes flicked over to Aelin's where they paused. Then, he looked away.

Aelin turned away as well, watching the landscape grow familiar. Eventually, their home came into sight. The iron gates swung open, and Rhoe drove into the driveway.

Everyone climbed out, just as the other car pulled up behind them. Lorcan stepped out of the driver's seat, exclaiming, "do you ever shut up?"

"It's an honest question," said Vaughan, exiting the passenger's seat. The twins followed suit, Connal making a beeline for her and slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Thank the gods," he said. "That was the longest car ride of my life."

"Don't see why you're complaining," Lorcan mumbled, sending Con a dark glare. His gaze slid briefly to Aelin's and turned icy cool, before he broke eye contact and marched towards the house.

Fenrys, carrying a pile of pizza boxes, sent Aelin a quick wink, before everyone made their way inwards. Rowan drifted as far away from Aelin and Connal as he could, not sending them another glance.

"What was that about?" Aelin asked, gesturing ahead.

Connal sighed. "Long story short, Lorcan once joined a traveling circus. Vaughan still likes to tease him about it."

She broke into laughter as they reached the main door. "You're not serious?" she asked, once her laughter had eased. They walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. "How does that even happen? Him?"

Con nodded. "Oh, it happened."

They entered the kitchen, finding themselves to be the last to get there. Aelin ended up sitting between her brother and Lorcan, across from Connal.

The pizza was distributed, while Vaughan continued to send low remarks to Lorcan from his other side.

Unable to resist, Aelin turned to Lorcan with a smirk. "I can't see you as much of a trapeze artist. Let me guess, lion tamer? Strong man?"

He shot her a scathing gaze. From across the table, Connal whispered, "he threw the axes."

Lorcan scowled, and Aelin and Connal started laughing. Even Rowan's twitched up for a heartbeat.

Everything quieted down, until Aedion added, "Salvaterre was quite popular there, apparently."


"-I distinctly recall selling a woman one of his shirts for ten bucks."

Another ripple of laughter, another scowl from Lorcan. "Shut it, Ashryver," he said.

The rest of the dinner passed more or less smoothly, Aelin feeling more at home than usual amongst the crowd.

She bade everyone a warm goodnight, before heading to sleep that night. And despite the warmth of her bed, she couldn't help but miss the feeling of Rowan next to her. 

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