lxi. good work, partner

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She awoke in a room that was familiar, but not. Aelin hadn't been here before, but she could recognize its layout.

The table she was strapped to was cold metal, burning against her aching back. A cool wetness was soaking her skin. Blood, leaking from the lash marks. Cuffs were tight around her wrist and ankles.

She'd seen this room before, when they'd invaded a Valg compound. So when she got a glimpse of the machine beside her, its many electric wires, and the mysterious green substance flowing through tubes, she knew. This was where they created their Valg soldiers.

Every inhale sent a jagged pain through her ribs.

Where was Fenrys?

Her limbs had started to lose feeling, numb and uncooperative. She flexed her fingers and toes a bit to wake them, but even slight movements hurt.

Next, she tried to move her head, but it felt heavy and weighed down. When she finally managed to twist it, all she could see was the large metal door. No Fenrys, but no Valg either. The room was empty except for her.

Her head finally dropped back, gaze fixating on the ceiling above. Cracks slithered through the cement, beads of water forming in some of them. You'd think the place would be better designed, she thought.

Aelin glanced to her left, wincing as the motion left spots dancing in her vision. She inhaled slowly as her vision cleared and the machine to her left became more clear.

Green liquid pumped through its veins. That's never good.

Her eyes skimmed over the various knobs and levers, all more nonsensical than the last. One pin caught her eye, jutting out loosely from its position near her lower body. Maybe if she...

She tried to reach for it, but the cuffs didn't give her any leeway. Aelin strained a bit more, the metal of the cuffs tearing at her already bruised skin. Her fingers brushed the edge of the circular handle, and the pin loosened a bit more.

Aelin exhaled, her hand shaking all of a sudden. She tried to recollect herself before reaching for it again. It was a bit closer this time, so she had an easier time touching it. Her fingers closed weakly around the edge and she pulled it.

For a second it almost slipped, and her heart stopped. But she managed to catch it last second, even though the odd angle sent pain shooting up her wrist. The pin with its sharp end was now firmly in her hand.

She had to further crane her already hurting wrist in order to try and break the cuffs, which was a painstaking process.

Footsteps snapped her attention away from her attempts. Her heart began to pound against her better wishes.

She thought of Fenrys, awaiting her in some cell. Thoughts flooded through her brain at a mile a minute, the adrenaline a jumpstart to her otherwise sluggish mind.

The door opened. Aelin could recognize Cairn's footsteps by now, could practically hear his sneer without even looking over at him.

She watched the cracks in the ceiling as he approached.

"Ready for goodbye, princess? Don't worry, we'll have a different sort of fun afterward."

A second pair of lighter footsteps sounded behind him. This time Aelin actually looked, noting the man in a lab coat. He was thin and reedy, but his eyes were sharp and analytical.

The scientist immediately went over to the machine and began fidgeting with it. He then pulled out several tubes with needles at their ends.

Methodically, he inserted some into Aelin's skin. There was a prick, but he was otherwise gentle with them. She just counted herself lucky that there was nothing running through those tubes just yet. They were crystal clear.

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