liii. you're fussing

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The steady throbbing in his shoulder drew him out of sleep. Rowan's eyes fluttered open, the sleep lingering like a veil over his sight.

A glimpse of gold caught his eye, and he latched on to it. His tired eyes focused on the blonde beside him, sitting on a chair next to the bed with her head rested on the sheets.

He stretched out his left hand, cursing as the motion increased the ache in his shoulder.

The sound awoke Aelin with a jolt. She lifted her head tiredly. As soon as her gaze fell on him, she stood quickly. Concern flashed across her features. "Hey," she said. One hand brushed the locks of hair on his forehead back. Her hands felt nice and cool against his warm forehead. "You're up."

"You look like shit," he murmured. Not strictly true. There were dark circles under her eyes, and it looked like she'd been up for most of the night. Yet she was still gorgeous. The familiar Ashryver eyes, the shining blonde hair, the light smattering of freckles over her nose.

She pouted, but her eyes sparkled as she said, "likewise. Also, I know that you're lying. I'm always stunning."

He couldn't deny that even if he wanted to. Aelin protested when he tried to sit up, but helped him anyway. She went as far as to fluff his pillows before letting him sink back into them.

"Tell me you got some sleep last night," he said.

"I got some sleep last night," she deadpanned. He raised an eyebrow. "Really, scout's honor."

"She fell asleep one hour ago," an amused voice came from the doorway. Yrene stepped inside with a cheery, "nice to see that you're up."

"Thank you, Dr. Towers," he mumbled. Before sending Aelin a glance that said, one hour?

"I'm not the one who got shot, Whitethorn," she said. "How many days of bed rest did you say, Dr. Towers?" she asked pointedly.

"Three," Yrene said. She came over to change the bandages on Rowan's arm, unwrapping the blood stained ones.

Rowan groaned. "Can't we bring that down to one?"

"Absolutely not," the women said in unison.

"You are going to keep your ass in that bed for three days, and let your gorgeous girlfriend nurse you back to health," Aelin said.

"Hmm, three days sounds fine," he said.

Rowan was going to murder Fenrys. Aelin had refused to leave him alone for most of the morning, only agreeing to step out and eat once the twins took her place.

His friend had immediately launched into a dramatic monologue, while Connal sighed and took the seat Aelin had occupied.

"Are you feeling okay?" Con asked quietly.

"Fine," he said shortly. Con raised an eyebrow, and Rowan muttered, "shoulder hurts a bit."

"That's to be expected when you get shot there," he remarked quietly, a slight smirk at his lips.

"Smartass," Rowan said.

Fenrys, meanwhile, was still talking over them. "-and if you were gone, who would keep Lorcan from murdering me? No one! What would I do without-"

"Is he gonna stop anytime soon?" Rowan asked.

Con shrugged. "Not likely. It's Fenrys. Besides, he might joke around now, but he was pretty scared when he heard what happened. We all were. Vaughan spent the whole time pacing, muttering that he should have been there. Fenrys just went dead quiet."

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